/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "TextureHostOGL.h" #include "EGLUtils.h" #include "GLContext.h" // for GLContext, etc #include "GLLibraryEGL.h" // for GLLibraryEGL #include "GLUploadHelpers.h" #include "GLReadTexImageHelper.h" #include "gfx2DGlue.h" // for ContentForFormat, etc #include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h" // for DataSourceSurface #include "mozilla/gfx/BaseSize.h" // for BaseSize #include "mozilla/gfx/Logging.h" // for gfxCriticalError #include "mozilla/layers/ISurfaceAllocator.h" #include "nsRegion.h" // for nsIntRegion #include "GfxTexturesReporter.h" // for GfxTexturesReporter #include "GLBlitTextureImageHelper.h" #include "GeckoProfiler.h" #ifdef XP_MACOSX #include "mozilla/layers/MacIOSurfaceTextureHostOGL.h" #endif using namespace mozilla::gl; using namespace mozilla::gfx; namespace mozilla { namespace layers { class Compositor; already_AddRefed CreateTextureHostOGL(const SurfaceDescriptor& aDesc, ISurfaceAllocator* aDeallocator, TextureFlags aFlags) { RefPtr result; switch (aDesc.type()) { case SurfaceDescriptor::TEGLImageDescriptor: { const EGLImageDescriptor& desc = aDesc.get_EGLImageDescriptor(); result = new EGLImageTextureHost(aFlags, (EGLImage)desc.image(), (EGLSync)desc.fence(), desc.size(), desc.hasAlpha()); break; } #ifdef XP_MACOSX case SurfaceDescriptor::TSurfaceDescriptorMacIOSurface: { const SurfaceDescriptorMacIOSurface& desc = aDesc.get_SurfaceDescriptorMacIOSurface(); result = new MacIOSurfaceTextureHostOGL(aFlags, desc); break; } #endif case SurfaceDescriptor::TSurfaceDescriptorSharedGLTexture: { const auto& desc = aDesc.get_SurfaceDescriptorSharedGLTexture(); result = new GLTextureHost(aFlags, desc.texture(), desc.target(), (GLsync)desc.fence(), desc.size(), desc.hasAlpha()); break; } default: { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unsupported SurfaceDescriptor type"); break; } } return result.forget(); } static gl::TextureImage::Flags FlagsToGLFlags(TextureFlags aFlags) { uint32_t result = TextureImage::NoFlags; if (aFlags & TextureFlags::USE_NEAREST_FILTER) result |= TextureImage::UseNearestFilter; if (aFlags & TextureFlags::ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT) result |= TextureImage::OriginBottomLeft; if (aFlags & TextureFlags::DISALLOW_BIGIMAGE) result |= TextureImage::DisallowBigImage; return static_cast(result); } bool TextureImageTextureSourceOGL::Update(gfx::DataSourceSurface* aSurface, nsIntRegion* aDestRegion, gfx::IntPoint* aSrcOffset) { GLContext *gl = mCompositor->gl(); MOZ_ASSERT(gl); if (!gl || !gl->MakeCurrent()) { NS_WARNING("trying to update TextureImageTextureSourceOGL without a GLContext"); return false; } if (!aSurface) { gfxCriticalError() << "Invalid surface for OGL update"; return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(aSurface); IntSize size = aSurface->GetSize(); if (!mTexImage || (mTexImage->GetSize() != size && !aSrcOffset) || mTexImage->GetContentType() != gfx::ContentForFormat(aSurface->GetFormat())) { if (mFlags & TextureFlags::DISALLOW_BIGIMAGE) { GLint maxTextureSize; gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxTextureSize); if (size.width > maxTextureSize || size.height > maxTextureSize) { NS_WARNING("Texture exceeds maximum texture size, refusing upload"); return false; } // Explicitly use CreateBasicTextureImage instead of CreateTextureImage, // because CreateTextureImage might still choose to create a tiled // texture image. mTexImage = CreateBasicTextureImage(gl, size, gfx::ContentForFormat(aSurface->GetFormat()), LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, FlagsToGLFlags(mFlags)); } else { // XXX - clarify which size we want to use. IncrementalContentHost will // require the size of the destination surface to be different from // the size of aSurface. // See bug 893300 (tracks the implementation of ContentHost for new textures). mTexImage = CreateTextureImage(gl, size, gfx::ContentForFormat(aSurface->GetFormat()), LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, FlagsToGLFlags(mFlags), SurfaceFormatToImageFormat(aSurface->GetFormat())); } ClearCachedFilter(); if (aDestRegion && !aSrcOffset && !aDestRegion->IsEqual(gfx::IntRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height))) { // UpdateFromDataSource will ignore our specified aDestRegion since the texture // hasn't been allocated with glTexImage2D yet. Call Resize() to force the // allocation (full size, but no upload), and then we'll only upload the pixels // we care about below. mTexImage->Resize(size); } } mTexImage->UpdateFromDataSource(aSurface, aDestRegion, aSrcOffset); return true; } void TextureImageTextureSourceOGL::EnsureBuffer(const IntSize& aSize, gfxContentType aContentType) { if (!mTexImage || mTexImage->GetSize() != aSize || mTexImage->GetContentType() != aContentType) { mTexImage = CreateTextureImage(mCompositor->gl(), aSize, aContentType, LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, FlagsToGLFlags(mFlags)); } mTexImage->Resize(aSize); } void TextureImageTextureSourceOGL::CopyTo(const gfx::IntRect& aSourceRect, DataTextureSource *aDest, const gfx::IntRect& aDestRect) { MOZ_ASSERT(aDest->AsSourceOGL(), "Incompatible destination type!"); TextureImageTextureSourceOGL *dest = aDest->AsSourceOGL()->AsTextureImageTextureSource(); MOZ_ASSERT(dest, "Incompatible destination type!"); mCompositor->BlitTextureImageHelper()->BlitTextureImage(mTexImage, aSourceRect, dest->mTexImage, aDestRect); dest->mTexImage->MarkValid(); } CompositorOGL* AssertGLCompositor(Compositor* aCompositor) { CompositorOGL* compositor = aCompositor ? aCompositor->AsCompositorOGL() : nullptr; MOZ_ASSERT(!!compositor); return compositor; } void TextureImageTextureSourceOGL::SetCompositor(Compositor* aCompositor) { CompositorOGL* glCompositor = AssertGLCompositor(aCompositor); if (!glCompositor) { DeallocateDeviceData(); return; } if (mCompositor != glCompositor) { DeallocateDeviceData(); mCompositor = glCompositor; } } gfx::IntSize TextureImageTextureSourceOGL::GetSize() const { if (mTexImage) { if (mIterating) { return mTexImage->GetTileRect().Size(); } return mTexImage->GetSize(); } NS_WARNING("Trying to query the size of an empty TextureSource."); return gfx::IntSize(0, 0); } gfx::SurfaceFormat TextureImageTextureSourceOGL::GetFormat() const { if (mTexImage) { return mTexImage->GetTextureFormat(); } NS_WARNING("Trying to query the format of an empty TextureSource."); return gfx::SurfaceFormat::UNKNOWN; } gfx::IntRect TextureImageTextureSourceOGL::GetTileRect() { return mTexImage->GetTileRect(); } void TextureImageTextureSourceOGL::BindTexture(GLenum aTextureUnit, gfx::SamplingFilter aSamplingFilter) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTexImage, "Trying to bind a TextureSource that does not have an underlying GL texture."); mTexImage->BindTexture(aTextureUnit); SetSamplingFilter(mCompositor->gl(), aSamplingFilter); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLTextureSource GLTextureSource::GLTextureSource(CompositorOGL* aCompositor, GLuint aTextureHandle, GLenum aTarget, gfx::IntSize aSize, gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat, bool aExternallyOwned) : mCompositor(aCompositor) , mTextureHandle(aTextureHandle) , mTextureTarget(aTarget) , mSize(aSize) , mFormat(aFormat) , mExternallyOwned(aExternallyOwned) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(GLTextureSource); } GLTextureSource::~GLTextureSource() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(GLTextureSource); if (!mExternallyOwned) { DeleteTextureHandle(); } } void GLTextureSource::DeallocateDeviceData() { if (!mExternallyOwned) { DeleteTextureHandle(); } } void GLTextureSource::DeleteTextureHandle() { GLContext* gl = this->gl(); if (mTextureHandle != 0 && gl && gl->MakeCurrent()) { gl->fDeleteTextures(1, &mTextureHandle); } mTextureHandle = 0; } void GLTextureSource::BindTexture(GLenum aTextureUnit, gfx::SamplingFilter aSamplingFilter) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTextureHandle != 0); GLContext* gl = this->gl(); if (!gl || !gl->MakeCurrent()) { return; } gl->fActiveTexture(aTextureUnit); gl->fBindTexture(mTextureTarget, mTextureHandle); ApplySamplingFilterToBoundTexture(gl, aSamplingFilter, mTextureTarget); } void GLTextureSource::SetCompositor(Compositor* aCompositor) { CompositorOGL* glCompositor = AssertGLCompositor(aCompositor); if (!glCompositor) { return; } if (mCompositor && mCompositor != glCompositor) { gfxCriticalError() << "GLTextureSource does not support changing compositors"; } mCompositor = glCompositor; if (mNextSibling) { mNextSibling->SetCompositor(aCompositor); } } bool GLTextureSource::IsValid() const { return !!gl() && mTextureHandle != 0; } gl::GLContext* GLTextureSource::gl() const { return mCompositor ? mCompositor->gl() : nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EGLImage EGLImageTextureSource::EGLImageTextureSource(CompositorOGL* aCompositor, EGLImage aImage, gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat, GLenum aTarget, GLenum aWrapMode, gfx::IntSize aSize) : mCompositor(aCompositor) , mImage(aImage) , mFormat(aFormat) , mTextureTarget(aTarget) , mWrapMode(aWrapMode) , mSize(aSize) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTextureTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D || mTextureTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL); } void EGLImageTextureSource::BindTexture(GLenum aTextureUnit, gfx::SamplingFilter aSamplingFilter) { GLContext* gl = this->gl(); if (!gl || !gl->MakeCurrent()) { NS_WARNING("Trying to bind a texture without a GLContext"); return; } MOZ_ASSERT(DoesEGLContextSupportSharingWithEGLImage(gl), "EGLImage not supported or disabled in runtime"); GLuint tex = mCompositor->GetTemporaryTexture(mTextureTarget, aTextureUnit); gl->fActiveTexture(aTextureUnit); gl->fBindTexture(mTextureTarget, tex); gl->fEGLImageTargetTexture2D(mTextureTarget, mImage); ApplySamplingFilterToBoundTexture(gl, aSamplingFilter, mTextureTarget); } void EGLImageTextureSource::SetCompositor(Compositor* aCompositor) { mCompositor = AssertGLCompositor(aCompositor); } bool EGLImageTextureSource::IsValid() const { return !!gl(); } gl::GLContext* EGLImageTextureSource::gl() const { return mCompositor ? mCompositor->gl() : nullptr; } gfx::Matrix4x4 EGLImageTextureSource::GetTextureTransform() { gfx::Matrix4x4 ret; return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EGLImageTextureHost::EGLImageTextureHost(TextureFlags aFlags, EGLImage aImage, EGLSync aSync, gfx::IntSize aSize, bool hasAlpha) : TextureHost(aFlags) , mImage(aImage) , mSync(aSync) , mSize(aSize) , mHasAlpha(hasAlpha) , mCompositor(nullptr) {} EGLImageTextureHost::~EGLImageTextureHost() {} gl::GLContext* EGLImageTextureHost::gl() const { return mCompositor ? mCompositor->gl() : nullptr; } bool EGLImageTextureHost::Lock() { GLContext* gl = this->gl(); if (!gl || !gl->MakeCurrent()) { return false; } EGLint status = LOCAL_EGL_CONDITION_SATISFIED; if (mSync) { MOZ_ASSERT(sEGLLibrary.IsExtensionSupported(GLLibraryEGL::KHR_fence_sync)); status = sEGLLibrary.fClientWaitSync(EGL_DISPLAY(), mSync, 0, LOCAL_EGL_FOREVER); } if (status != LOCAL_EGL_CONDITION_SATISFIED) { MOZ_ASSERT(status != 0, "ClientWaitSync generated an error. Has mSync already been destroyed?"); return false; } if (!mTextureSource) { gfx::SurfaceFormat format = mHasAlpha ? gfx::SurfaceFormat::R8G8B8A8 : gfx::SurfaceFormat::R8G8B8X8; GLenum target = gl->GetPreferredEGLImageTextureTarget(); GLenum wrapMode = LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; mTextureSource = new EGLImageTextureSource(mCompositor, mImage, format, target, wrapMode, mSize); } return true; } void EGLImageTextureHost::Unlock() { } void EGLImageTextureHost::SetCompositor(Compositor* aCompositor) { CompositorOGL* glCompositor = AssertGLCompositor(aCompositor); if (!glCompositor) { mCompositor = nullptr; mTextureSource = nullptr; return; } mCompositor = glCompositor; if (mTextureSource) { mTextureSource->SetCompositor(glCompositor); } } gfx::SurfaceFormat EGLImageTextureHost::GetFormat() const { MOZ_ASSERT(mTextureSource); return mTextureSource ? mTextureSource->GetFormat() : gfx::SurfaceFormat::UNKNOWN; } // GLTextureHost::GLTextureHost(TextureFlags aFlags, GLuint aTextureHandle, GLenum aTarget, GLsync aSync, gfx::IntSize aSize, bool aHasAlpha) : TextureHost(aFlags) , mTexture(aTextureHandle) , mTarget(aTarget) , mSync(aSync) , mSize(aSize) , mHasAlpha(aHasAlpha) , mCompositor(nullptr) {} GLTextureHost::~GLTextureHost() {} gl::GLContext* GLTextureHost::gl() const { return mCompositor ? mCompositor->gl() : nullptr; } bool GLTextureHost::Lock() { GLContext* gl = this->gl(); if (!gl || !gl->MakeCurrent()) { return false; } if (mSync) { if (!gl->MakeCurrent()) { return false; } gl->fWaitSync(mSync, 0, LOCAL_GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED); gl->fDeleteSync(mSync); mSync = 0; } if (!mTextureSource) { gfx::SurfaceFormat format = mHasAlpha ? gfx::SurfaceFormat::R8G8B8A8 : gfx::SurfaceFormat::R8G8B8X8; mTextureSource = new GLTextureSource(mCompositor, mTexture, mTarget, mSize, format, false /* owned by the client */); } return true; } void GLTextureHost::SetCompositor(Compositor* aCompositor) { CompositorOGL* glCompositor = AssertGLCompositor(aCompositor); if (!glCompositor) { mCompositor = nullptr; mTextureSource = nullptr; return; } mCompositor = glCompositor; if (mTextureSource) { mTextureSource->SetCompositor(glCompositor); } } gfx::SurfaceFormat GLTextureHost::GetFormat() const { MOZ_ASSERT(mTextureSource); return mTextureSource ? mTextureSource->GetFormat() : gfx::SurfaceFormat::UNKNOWN; } } // namespace layers } // namespace mozilla