var gInvalidFormPopup = document.getElementById('invalid-form-popup'); ok(gInvalidFormPopup, "The browser should have a popup to show when a form is invalid"); function checkPopupShow() { ok(gInvalidFormPopup.state == 'showing' || gInvalidFormPopup.state == 'open', "[Test " + testId + "] The invalid form popup should be shown"); } function checkPopupHide() { ok(gInvalidFormPopup.state != 'showing' && gInvalidFormPopup.state != 'open', "[Test " + testId + "] The invalid form popup should not be shown"); } var gObserver = { QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIFormSubmitObserver]), notifyInvalidSubmit : function (aFormElement, aInvalidElements) { } }; var testId = 0; function incrementTest() { testId++; info("Starting next part of test"); } function getDocHeader() { return "
" + getEmptyFrame(); } function getDocFooter() { return ""; } function getEmptyFrame() { return "