path: root/tools/jprof/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/jprof/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/tools/jprof/ b/tools/jprof/
deleted file mode 100755
index 89454d3eb9..0000000000
--- a/tools/jprof/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This program splits up a jprof profile into multiple files based on a
-# list of functions in a text file. First, a complete profile is
-# generated. Then, for each line in the text file, a profile is
-# generated containing only stacks that go through that line, and also
-# excluding all stacks in earlier lines in the text file. This means
-# that the text file, from start to end, is splitting out pieces of the
-# profile in their own file. Finally, a final profile containing the
-# remainder is produced.
-# The program takes four arguments:
-# (1) The path to jprof.
-# (2) The path to the text file describing the splits. The output
-# will be placed in the same directory as this file.
-# (3) The program that was profiled.
-# (4) The jprof-log file generated by the profile, to be split up.
-# (Really, all arguments from (3) and later are passed through to
-# jprof, so additional arguments could be provided if you want to pass
-# additional arguments to jprof.)
-# In slightly more detail:
-# This script uses jprof's includes (-i) and excludes (-e) options to
-# split profiles into segments. It takes as input a single text file,
-# and from that text file creates a series of jprof profiles in the
-# directory the text file is in.
-# The input file format looks like the following:
-# poll g_main_poll
-# GetRuleCascade CSSRuleProcessor::GetRuleCascade(nsPresContext *, nsIAtom *)
-# RuleProcessorData RuleProcessorData::RuleProcessorData(nsPresContext *, nsIContent *, nsRuleWalker *, nsCompatibility *)
-# From this input file, the script will construct a profile called
-# jprof-0.html that contains the whole profile, a profile called
-# jprof-1-poll.html that includes only stacks with g_main_poll, a
-# profile called jprof-2-GetRuleCascade.html that includes only stacks
-# that have GetRuleCascade and do not have g_main_poll, a profile called
-# jprof-3-RuleProcessorData.html that includes only stacks that have the
-# RuleProcessorData constructor and do not have GetRuleCascade or
-# g_main_poll, and a profile called jprof-4.html that includes only
-# stacks that do not have any of the three functions in them.
-# This means that all of the segments of the profile, except
-# jprof-0.html, are mutually exclusive. Thus clever ordering of the
-# functions in the input file can lead to a logical splitting of the
-# profile into segments.
-import sys
-import subprocess
-import os.path
-if len(sys.argv) < 5:
- sys.stderr.write("Expected arguments: <jprof> <split-file> <program> <jprof-log>\n")
- sys.exit(1)
-jprof = sys.argv[1]
-splitfile = sys.argv[2]
-passthrough = sys.argv[3:]
-for f in [jprof, splitfile]:
- if not os.path.isfile(f):
- sys.stderr.write("could not find file: {0}\n".format(f))
- sys.exit(1)
-def read_splits(splitfile):
- """
- Read splitfile (each line of which contains a name, a space, and
- then a function name to split on), and return a list of pairs
- representing exactly that. (Note that the name cannot contain
- spaces, but the function name can, and often does.)
- """
- def line_to_split(line):
- line = line.strip("\r\n")
- idx = line.index(" ")
- return (line[0:idx], line[idx+1:])
- io = open(splitfile, "r")
- result = [line_to_split(line) for line in io]
- io.close()
- return result
-splits = read_splits(splitfile)
-def generate_profile(options, destfile):
- """
- Run jprof to generate one split of the profile.
- """
- args = [jprof] + options + passthrough
- print "Generating {0}".format(destfile)
- destio = open(destfile, "w")
- # jprof expects the "jprof-map" file to be in its current working directory
- cwd = None
- for option in passthrough:
- if option.find("jprof-log"):
- cwd = os.path.dirname(option)
- if cwd is None:
- raise StandardError("no jprof-log option given")
- process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=destio, cwd=cwd)
- process.wait()
- destio.close()
- if process.returncode != 0:
- os.remove(destfile)
- sys.stderr.write("Error {0} from command:\n {1}\n".format(process.returncode, " ".join(args)))
- sys.exit(process.returncode)
-def output_filename(number, splitname):
- """
- Return the filename (absolute path) we should use to output the
- profile segment with the given number and splitname. Splitname
- should be None for the complete profile and the remainder.
- """
- def pad_count(i):
- result = str(i)
- # 0-pad to the same length
- result = "0" * (len(str(len(splits) + 1)) - len(result)) + result
- return result
- name = pad_count(number)
- if splitname is not None:
- name += "-" + splitname
- return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(splitfile),
- "jprof-{0}.html".format(name))
-# generate the complete profile
-generate_profile([], output_filename(0, None))
-# generate the listed splits
-count = 1
-excludes = []
-for (splitname, splitfunction) in splits:
- generate_profile(excludes + ["-i" + splitfunction],
- output_filename(count, splitname))
- excludes += ["-e" + splitfunction]
- count = count + 1
-# generate the remainder after the splits
-generate_profile(excludes, output_filename(count, None))