path: root/media/libjxl/src/lib/extras/
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Diffstat (limited to 'media/libjxl/src/lib/extras/')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/libjxl/src/lib/extras/ b/media/libjxl/src/lib/extras/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac4306f8ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/libjxl/src/lib/extras/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "lib/extras/tone_mapping.h"
+#define HWY_TARGET_INCLUDE "lib/extras/"
+#include <hwy/foreach_target.h>
+#include <hwy/highway.h>
+#include "lib/jxl/enc_color_management.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/transfer_functions-inl.h"
+namespace jxl {
+namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
+Status ToneMapFrame(const std::pair<float, float> display_nits,
+ ImageBundle* const ib, ThreadPool* const pool) {
+ // Perform tone mapping as described in Report ITU-R BT.2390-8, section 5.4
+ // (pp. 23-25).
+ //
+ HWY_FULL(float) df;
+ using V = decltype(Zero(df));
+ ColorEncoding linear_rec2020;
+ linear_rec2020.SetColorSpace(ColorSpace::kRGB);
+ linear_rec2020.primaries = Primaries::k2100;
+ linear_rec2020.white_point = WhitePoint::kD65;
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(linear_rec2020.CreateICC());
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ib->TransformTo(linear_rec2020, GetJxlCms(), pool));
+ const auto eotf_inv = [&df](const V luminance) -> V {
+ return TF_PQ().EncodedFromDisplay(df, luminance * Set(df, 1. / 10000));
+ };
+ const V pq_mastering_min =
+ eotf_inv(Set(df, ib->metadata()->tone_mapping.min_nits));
+ const V pq_mastering_max =
+ eotf_inv(Set(df, ib->metadata()->tone_mapping.intensity_target));
+ const V pq_mastering_range = pq_mastering_max - pq_mastering_min;
+ const V inv_pq_mastering_range =
+ Set(df, 1) / (pq_mastering_max - pq_mastering_min);
+ const V min_lum = (eotf_inv(Set(df, display_nits.first)) - pq_mastering_min) *
+ inv_pq_mastering_range;
+ const V max_lum =
+ (eotf_inv(Set(df, display_nits.second)) - pq_mastering_min) *
+ inv_pq_mastering_range;
+ const V ks = MulAdd(Set(df, 1.5f), max_lum, Set(df, -0.5f));
+ const V b = min_lum;
+ const V inv_one_minus_ks = Set(df, 1) / Max(Set(df, 1e-6f), Set(df, 1) - ks);
+ const auto T = [ks, inv_one_minus_ks](const V a) {
+ return (a - ks) * inv_one_minus_ks;
+ };
+ const auto P = [&T, &df, ks, max_lum](const V b) {
+ const V t_b = T(b);
+ const V t_b_2 = t_b * t_b;
+ const V t_b_3 = t_b_2 * t_b;
+ return MulAdd(
+ MulAdd(Set(df, 2), t_b_3, MulAdd(Set(df, -3), t_b_2, Set(df, 1))), ks,
+ MulAdd(t_b_3 + MulAdd(Set(df, -2), t_b_2, t_b), Set(df, 1) - ks,
+ MulAdd(Set(df, -2), t_b_3, Set(df, 3) * t_b_2) * max_lum));
+ };
+ const V inv_max_display_nits = Set(df, 1 / display_nits.second);
+ pool, 0, ib->ysize(), ThreadPool::NoInit,
+ [&](const uint32_t y, size_t /* thread */) {
+ float* const JXL_RESTRICT row_r = ib->color()->PlaneRow(0, y);
+ float* const JXL_RESTRICT row_g = ib->color()->PlaneRow(1, y);
+ float* const JXL_RESTRICT row_b = ib->color()->PlaneRow(2, y);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < ib->xsize(); x += Lanes(df)) {
+ V red = Load(df, row_r + x);
+ V green = Load(df, row_g + x);
+ V blue = Load(df, row_b + x);
+ const V luminance = Set(df, ib->metadata()->IntensityTarget()) *
+ (MulAdd(Set(df, 0.2627f), red,
+ MulAdd(Set(df, 0.6780f), green,
+ Set(df, 0.0593f) * blue)));
+ const V normalized_pq =
+ Min(Set(df, 1.f), (eotf_inv(luminance) - pq_mastering_min) *
+ inv_pq_mastering_range);
+ const V e2 =
+ IfThenElse(normalized_pq < ks, normalized_pq, P(normalized_pq));
+ const V one_minus_e2 = Set(df, 1) - e2;
+ const V one_minus_e2_2 = one_minus_e2 * one_minus_e2;
+ const V one_minus_e2_4 = one_minus_e2_2 * one_minus_e2_2;
+ const V e3 = MulAdd(b, one_minus_e2_4, e2);
+ const V e4 = MulAdd(e3, pq_mastering_range, pq_mastering_min);
+ const V new_luminance =
+ Min(Set(df, display_nits.second),
+ ZeroIfNegative(Set(df, 10000) *
+ TF_PQ().DisplayFromEncoded(df, e4)));
+ const V ratio = new_luminance / luminance;
+ const V normalizer =
+ Set(df, ib->metadata()->IntensityTarget()) * inv_max_display_nits;
+ for (V* const val : {&red, &green, &blue}) {
+ *val = IfThenElse(luminance <= Set(df, 1e-6f), new_luminance,
+ *val * ratio) *
+ normalizer;
+ }
+ Store(red, df, row_r + x);
+ Store(green, df, row_g + x);
+ Store(blue, df, row_b + x);
+ }
+ },
+ "ToneMap"));
+ return true;
+Status GamutMapFrame(ImageBundle* const ib, float preserve_saturation,
+ ThreadPool* const pool) {
+ HWY_FULL(float) df;
+ using V = decltype(Zero(df));
+ ColorEncoding linear_rec2020;
+ linear_rec2020.SetColorSpace(ColorSpace::kRGB);
+ linear_rec2020.primaries = Primaries::k2100;
+ linear_rec2020.white_point = WhitePoint::kD65;
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(linear_rec2020.CreateICC());
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ib->TransformTo(linear_rec2020, GetJxlCms(), pool));
+ pool, 0, ib->ysize(), ThreadPool::NoInit,
+ [&](const uint32_t y, size_t /* thread*/) {
+ float* const JXL_RESTRICT row_r = ib->color()->PlaneRow(0, y);
+ float* const JXL_RESTRICT row_g = ib->color()->PlaneRow(1, y);
+ float* const JXL_RESTRICT row_b = ib->color()->PlaneRow(2, y);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < ib->xsize(); x += Lanes(df)) {
+ V red = Load(df, row_r + x);
+ V green = Load(df, row_g + x);
+ V blue = Load(df, row_b + x);
+ const V luminance =
+ MulAdd(Set(df, 0.2627f), red,
+ MulAdd(Set(df, 0.6780f), green, Set(df, 0.0593f) * blue));
+ // Desaturate out-of-gamut pixels. This is done by mixing each pixel
+ // with just enough gray of the target luminance to make all
+ // components non-negative.
+ // - For saturation preservation, if a component is still larger than
+ // 1 then the pixel is normalized to have a maximum component of 1.
+ // That will reduce its luminance.
+ // - For luminance preservation, getting all components below 1 is
+ // done by mixing in yet more gray. That will desaturate it further.
+ V gray_mix_saturation = Zero(df);
+ V gray_mix_luminance = Zero(df);
+ for (const V val : {red, green, blue}) {
+ const V inv_val_minus_gray = Set(df, 1) / (val - luminance);
+ gray_mix_saturation =
+ IfThenElse(val >= luminance, gray_mix_saturation,
+ Max(gray_mix_saturation, val * inv_val_minus_gray));
+ gray_mix_luminance =
+ Max(gray_mix_luminance,
+ IfThenElse(val <= luminance, gray_mix_saturation,
+ (val - Set(df, 1)) * inv_val_minus_gray));
+ }
+ const V gray_mix =
+ Clamp(Set(df, preserve_saturation) *
+ (gray_mix_saturation - gray_mix_luminance) +
+ gray_mix_luminance,
+ Zero(df), Set(df, 1));
+ for (V* const val : {&red, &green, &blue}) {
+ *val = MulAdd(gray_mix, luminance - *val, *val);
+ }
+ const V normalizer =
+ Set(df, 1) / Max(Set(df, 1), Max(red, Max(green, blue)));
+ for (V* const val : {&red, &green, &blue}) {
+ *val = *val * normalizer;
+ }
+ Store(red, df, row_r + x);
+ Store(green, df, row_g + x);
+ Store(blue, df, row_b + x);
+ }
+ },
+ "GamutMap"));
+ return true;
+// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments)
+} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
+} // namespace jxl
+namespace jxl {
+namespace {
+} // namespace
+Status ToneMapTo(const std::pair<float, float> display_nits,
+ CodecInOut* const io, ThreadPool* const pool) {
+ const auto tone_map_frame = HWY_DYNAMIC_DISPATCH(ToneMapFrame);
+ for (ImageBundle& ib : io->frames) {
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(tone_map_frame(display_nits, &ib, pool));
+ }
+ io->metadata.m.SetIntensityTarget(display_nits.second);
+ return true;
+Status GamutMap(CodecInOut* const io, float preserve_saturation,
+ ThreadPool* const pool) {
+ const auto gamut_map_frame = HWY_DYNAMIC_DISPATCH(GamutMapFrame);
+ for (ImageBundle& ib : io->frames) {
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(gamut_map_frame(&ib, preserve_saturation, pool));
+ }
+ return true;
+} // namespace jxl