Some post installation tasks need to be done like the autostarting of tlp via an entry /etc/rc.d/rc.local, and a post-installation script mentioned at # Disable conflicting pm-utils hooks for i in 95hdparm-apm disable_wol hal-cd-polling intel-audio-powersave \ harddrive laptop-mode journal-commit pci_devices pcie_aspm readahead \ sata_alpm sched-powersave usb_bluetooth wireless xfs_buffer; do if [ -x /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/$i ]; then ln -sf /usr/lib/tlp-pm/tlp-nop /etc/pm/power.d/$i fi done #Configure tlp to be run at startup echo "/etc/rc.d/rc.tlp start" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local # Give execute permission to rc.tlp chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.tlp #Start the tlp service /etc/rc.d/rc.tlp start # Restart acpid /etc/rc.d/rc.acpid restart After removal of this package you need to revert the above changes. Please make sure you stopped TLP service before removing TLP.