from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import from distutils import sysconfig from distutils import version from distutils.core import Extension import glob import io import multiprocessing import os import re import subprocess import sys import warnings from textwrap import fill PY3 = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3) try: from subprocess import check_output except ImportError: # check_output is not available in Python 2.6 def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs): """ Run command with arguments and return its output as a byte string. Backported from Python 2.7 as it's implemented as pure python on stdlib. """ process = subprocess.Popen( stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs) output, unused_err = process.communicate() retcode = process.poll() if retcode: cmd = kwargs.get("args") if cmd is None: cmd = popenargs[0] error = subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) error.output = output raise error return output if sys.platform != 'win32': if sys.version_info[0] < 3: from commands import getstatusoutput else: from subprocess import getstatusoutput if PY3: import configparser else: import ConfigParser as configparser # matplotlib build options, which can be altered using setup.cfg options = { 'display_status': True, 'verbose': False, 'backend': None, 'basedirlist': None } setup_cfg = os.environ.get('MPLSETUPCFG', 'setup.cfg') if os.path.exists(setup_cfg): config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() try: options['display_status'] = not config.getboolean("status", "suppress") except: pass try: options['backend'] = config.get("rc_options", "backend") except: pass try: options['basedirlist'] = [ x.strip() for x in config.get("directories", "basedirlist").split(',')] except: pass else: config = None def get_win32_compiler(): """ Determine the compiler being used on win32. """ # Used to determine mingw32 or msvc # This is pretty bad logic, someone know a better way? for v in sys.argv: if 'mingw32' in v: return 'mingw32' return 'msvc' win32_compiler = get_win32_compiler() def extract_versions(): """ Extracts version values from the main matplotlib and returns them as a dictionary. """ with open('lib/matplotlib/') as fd: for line in fd.readlines(): if (line.startswith('__version__')): exec(line.strip()) return locals() def has_include_file(include_dirs, filename): """ Returns `True` if `filename` can be found in one of the directories in `include_dirs`. """ if sys.platform == 'win32': include_dirs += os.environ.get('INCLUDE', '.').split(';') for dir in include_dirs: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, filename)): return True return False def check_include_file(include_dirs, filename, package): """ Raises an exception if the given include file can not be found. """ if not has_include_file(include_dirs, filename): raise CheckFailed( "The C/C++ header for %s (%s) could not be found. You " "may need to install the development package." % (package, filename)) def get_base_dirs(): """ Returns a list of standard base directories on this platform. """ if options['basedirlist']: return options['basedirlist'] basedir_map = { 'win32': ['win32_static',], 'darwin': ['/usr/local/', '/usr', '/usr/X11', '/opt/local'], 'sunos5': [os.getenv('MPLIB_BASE') or '/usr/local',], 'gnu0': ['/usr'], 'aix5': ['/usr/local'], } return basedir_map.get(sys.platform, ['/usr/local', '/usr']) def get_include_dirs(): """ Returns a list of standard include directories on this platform. """ return [os.path.join(d, 'include') for d in get_base_dirs()] def is_min_version(found, minversion): """ Returns `True` if `found` is at least as high a version as `minversion`. """ expected_version = version.LooseVersion(minversion) found_version = version.LooseVersion(found) return found_version >= expected_version # Define the display functions only if display_status is True. if options['display_status']: def print_line(char='='): print(char * 76) def print_status(package, status): initial_indent = "%22s: " % package indent = ' ' * 24 print(fill(str(status), width=76, initial_indent=initial_indent, subsequent_indent=indent)) def print_message(message): indent = ' ' * 24 + "* " print(fill(str(message), width=76, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent)) def print_raw(section): print(section) else: def print_line(*args, **kwargs): pass print_status = print_message = print_raw = print_line # Remove the -Wstrict-prototypesoption, is it's not valid for C++ customize_compiler = sysconfig.customize_compiler def my_customize_compiler(compiler): retval = customize_compiler(compiler) try: compiler.compiler_so.remove('-Wstrict-prototypes') except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass return retval sysconfig.customize_compiler = my_customize_compiler def make_extension(name, files, *args, **kwargs): """ Make a new extension. Automatically sets include_dirs and library_dirs to the base directories appropriate for this platform. `name` is the name of the extension. `files` is a list of source files. Any additional arguments are passed to the `distutils.core.Extension` constructor. """ ext = DelayedExtension(name, files, *args, **kwargs) for dir in get_base_dirs(): include_dir = os.path.join(dir, 'include') if os.path.exists(include_dir): ext.include_dirs.append(include_dir) for lib in ('lib', 'lib64'): lib_dir = os.path.join(dir, lib) if os.path.exists(lib_dir): ext.library_dirs.append(lib_dir) ext.include_dirs.append('.') return ext class PkgConfig(object): """ This is a class for communicating with pkg-config. """ def __init__(self): """ Determines whether pkg-config exists on this machine. """ if sys.platform == 'win32': self.has_pkgconfig = False else: self.set_pkgconfig_path() status, output = getstatusoutput("pkg-config --help") self.has_pkgconfig = (status == 0) if not self.has_pkgconfig: print("IMPORTANT WARNING:") print( " pkg-config is not installed.\n" " matplotlib may not be able to find some of its dependencies") def set_pkgconfig_path(self): pkgconfig_path = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR') if pkgconfig_path is None: return pkgconfig_path = os.path.join(pkgconfig_path, 'pkgconfig') if not os.path.isdir(pkgconfig_path): return try: os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] += ':' + pkgconfig_path except KeyError: os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = pkgconfig_path def setup_extension(self, ext, package, default_include_dirs=[], default_library_dirs=[], default_libraries=[], alt_exec=None): """ Add parameters to the given `ext` for the given `package`. """ flag_map = { '-I': 'include_dirs', '-L': 'library_dirs', '-l': 'libraries'} executable = alt_exec if self.has_pkgconfig: executable = 'pkg-config {0}'.format(package) use_defaults = True if executable is not None: command = "{0} --libs --cflags ".format(executable) try: output = check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass else: output = output.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) use_defaults = False for token in output.split(): attr = flag_map.get(token[:2]) if attr is not None: getattr(ext, attr).insert(0, token[2:]) if use_defaults: basedirs = get_base_dirs() for base in basedirs: for include in default_include_dirs: dir = os.path.join(base, include) if os.path.exists(dir): ext.include_dirs.append(dir) for lib in default_library_dirs: dir = os.path.join(base, lib) if os.path.exists(dir): ext.library_dirs.append(dir) ext.libraries.extend(default_libraries) return True return False def get_version(self, package): """ Get the version of the package from pkg-config. """ if not self.has_pkgconfig: return None status, output = getstatusoutput( "pkg-config %s --modversion" % (package)) if status == 0: return output return None # The PkgConfig class should be used through this singleton pkg_config = PkgConfig() class CheckFailed(Exception): """ Exception thrown when a `SetupPackage.check` method fails. """ pass class SetupPackage(object): optional = False def check(self): """ Checks whether the dependencies are met. Should raise a `CheckFailed` exception if the dependency could not be met, otherwise return a string indicating a version number or some other message indicating what was found. """ pass def get_packages(self): """ Get a list of package names to add to the configuration. These are added to the `packages` list passed to `distutils.setup`. """ return [] def get_namespace_packages(self): """ Get a list of namespace package names to add to the configuration. These are added to the `namespace_packages` list passed to `distutils.setup`. """ return [] def get_py_modules(self): """ Get a list of top-level modules to add to the configuration. These are added to the `py_modules` list passed to `distutils.setup`. """ return [] def get_package_data(self): """ Get a package data dictionary to add to the configuration. These are merged into to the `package_data` list passed to `distutils.setup`. """ return {} def get_extension(self): """ Get a list of C extensions (`distutils.core.Extension` objects) to add to the configuration. These are added to the `extensions` list passed to `distutils.setup`. """ return None def get_install_requires(self): """ Get a list of Python packages that we require. pip/easy_install will attempt to download and install this package if it is not installed. """ return [] def get_setup_requires(self): """ Get a list of Python packages that we require at build time. pip/easy_install will attempt to download and install this package if it is not installed. """ return [] def _check_for_pkg_config(self, package, include_file, min_version=None, version=None): """ A convenience function for writing checks for a pkg_config-defined dependency. `package` is the pkg_config package name. `include_file` is a top-level include file we expect to find. `min_version` is the minimum version required. `version` will override the found version if this package requires an alternate method for that. """ if version is None: version = pkg_config.get_version(package) if version is None: raise CheckFailed( "pkg-config information for '%s' could not be found." % package) if min_version == 'PATCH': raise CheckFailed( "Requires patches that have not been merged upstream.") if min_version: if (not is_min_version(version, min_version)): raise CheckFailed( "Requires %s %s or later. Found %s." % (package, min_version, version)) ext = self.get_extension() if ext is None: ext = make_extension('test', []) pkg_config.setup_extension(ext, package) check_include_file(ext.include_dirs, include_file, package) return 'version %s' % version class OptionalPackage(SetupPackage): optional = True force = False config_category = "packages" @classmethod def get_config(cls): """ Look at `setup.cfg` and return one of ["auto", True, False] indicating if the package is at default state ("auto"), forced by the user (True) or opted-out (False). """ try: return config.getboolean(cls.config_category, except: return "auto" def check(self): """ Do not override this method! For custom dependency checks override self.check_requirements(). Two things are checked: Configuration file and requirements. """ # Check configuration file conf = self.get_config() # Default "auto" state or install forced by user if conf in [True, 'auto']: message = "installing" # Set non-optional if user sets `True` in config if conf is True: self.optional = False # Configuration opt-out by user else: # Some backend extensions (e.g. Agg) need to be built for certain # other GUI backends (e.g. TkAgg) even when manually disabled if self.force is True: message = "installing forced (config override)" else: raise CheckFailed("skipping due to configuration") # Check requirements and add extra information (if any) to message. # If requirements are not met a CheckFailed should be raised in there. additional_info = self.check_requirements() if additional_info: message += ", " + additional_info # No CheckFailed raised until now, return install message. return message def check_requirements(self): """ Override this method to do custom dependency checks. - Raise CheckFailed() if requirements are not met. - Return message with additional information, or an empty string (or None) for no additional information. """ return "" class OptionalBackendPackage(OptionalPackage): config_category = "gui_support" class Platform(SetupPackage): name = "platform" def check(self): return sys.platform class Python(SetupPackage): name = "python" def check(self): major, minor1, minor2, s, tmp = sys.version_info if major < 2: raise CheckFailed( "Requires Python 2.6 or later") elif major == 2 and minor1 < 6: raise CheckFailed( "Requires Python 2.6 or later (in the 2.x series)") elif major == 3 and minor1 < 1: raise CheckFailed( "Requires Python 3.1 or later (in the 3.x series)") return sys.version class Matplotlib(SetupPackage): name = "matplotlib" def check(self): return extract_versions()['__version__'] def get_packages(self): return [ 'matplotlib', 'matplotlib.backends', 'matplotlib.backends.qt_editor', 'matplotlib.compat', 'matplotlib.projections', 'matplotlib.axes', 'matplotlib.sphinxext', '', 'matplotlib.testing', 'matplotlib.testing.jpl_units', 'matplotlib.tri', ] def get_py_modules(self): return ['pylab'] def get_package_data(self): return { 'matplotlib': [ 'mpl-data/fonts/afm/*.afm', 'mpl-data/fonts/pdfcorefonts/*.afm', 'mpl-data/fonts/pdfcorefonts/*.txt', 'mpl-data/fonts/ttf/*.ttf', 'mpl-data/fonts/ttf/LICENSE_STIX', 'mpl-data/fonts/ttf/COPYRIGHT.TXT', 'mpl-data/fonts/ttf/README.TXT', 'mpl-data/fonts/ttf/RELEASENOTES.TXT', 'mpl-data/images/*.xpm', 'mpl-data/images/*.svg', 'mpl-data/images/*.gif', 'mpl-data/images/*.png', 'mpl-data/images/*.ppm', 'mpl-data/example/*.npy', 'mpl-data/matplotlibrc', 'backends/web_backend/*.*', 'backends/web_backend/jquery/js/*', 'backends/web_backend/jquery/css/themes/base/*.*', 'backends/web_backend/jquery/css/themes/base/images/*', 'backends/web_backend/css/*.*', 'backends/Matplotlib.nib/*', 'mpl-data/stylelib/*.mplstyle', ]} class SampleData(OptionalPackage): """ This handles the sample data that ships with matplotlib. It is technically optional, though most often will be desired. """ name = "sample_data" def get_package_data(self): return { 'matplotlib': [ 'mpl-data/sample_data/*.*', 'mpl-data/sample_data/axes_grid/*.*', ]} class Toolkits(OptionalPackage): name = "toolkits" def get_packages(self): return [ 'mpl_toolkits', 'mpl_toolkits.mplot3d', 'mpl_toolkits.axes_grid', 'mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1', 'mpl_toolkits.axisartist', ] def get_namespace_packages(self): return ['mpl_toolkits'] class Tests(OptionalPackage): name = "tests" nose_min_version = '0.11.1' def check(self): super(Tests, self).check() msgs = [] msg_template = ('{package} is required to run the matplotlib test ' 'suite. pip/easy_install may attempt to install it ' 'after matplotlib.') bad_nose = msg_template.format( package='nose %s or later' % self.nose_min_version ) try: import nose if is_min_version(nose.__version__, self.nose_min_version): msgs += ['using nose version %s' % nose.__version__] else: msgs += [bad_nose] except ImportError: msgs += [bad_nose] if sys.version_info >= (3, 3): msgs += ['using unittest.mock'] else: try: import mock msgs += ['using mock %s' % mock.__version__] except ImportError: msgs += [msg_template.format(package='mock')] return ' / '.join(msgs) def get_packages(self): return [ 'matplotlib.tests', ] def get_package_data(self): baseline_images = [ 'tests/baseline_images/%s/*' % x for x in os.listdir('lib/matplotlib/tests/baseline_images')] return { 'matplotlib': baseline_images + [ 'tests/mpltest.ttf', 'tests/test_rcparams.rc' ]} def get_install_requires(self): requires = ['nose>=%s' % self.nose_min_version] if not sys.version_info >= (3, 3): requires += ['mock'] return requires class Toolkits_Tests(Tests): name = "toolkits_tests" def check_requirements(self): conf = self.get_config() toolkits_conf = Toolkits.get_config() tests_conf = Tests.get_config() if conf is True: Tests.force = True Toolkits.force = True elif conf == "auto" and not (toolkits_conf and tests_conf): # Only auto-install if both toolkits and tests are set # to be installed raise CheckFailed("toolkits_tests needs 'toolkits' and 'tests'") return "" def get_packages(self): return [ 'mpl_toolkits.tests', ] def get_package_data(self): baseline_images = [ 'tests/baseline_images/%s/*' % x for x in os.listdir('lib/mpl_toolkits/tests/baseline_images')] return {'mpl_toolkits': baseline_images} def get_namespace_packages(self): return ['mpl_toolkits'] class DelayedExtension(Extension, object): """ A distutils Extension subclass where some of its members may have delayed computation until reaching the build phase. This is so we can, for example, get the Numpy include dirs after pip has installed Numpy for us if it wasn't already on the system. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DelayedExtension, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._finalized = False self._hooks = {} def add_hook(self, member, func): """ Add a hook to dynamically compute a member. Parameters ---------- member : string The name of the member func : callable The function to call to get dynamically-computed values for the member. """ self._hooks[member] = func def finalize(self): self._finalized = True class DelayedMember(property): def __init__(self, name): self._name = name def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): result = getattr(obj, '_' + self._name, []) if obj._finalized: if self._name in obj._hooks: result = obj._hooks[self._name]() + result return result def __set__(self, obj, value): setattr(obj, '_' + self._name, value) include_dirs = DelayedMember('include_dirs') class Numpy(SetupPackage): name = "numpy" @staticmethod def include_dirs_hook(): if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: import builtins if hasattr(builtins, '__NUMPY_SETUP__'): del builtins.__NUMPY_SETUP__ import imp import numpy imp.reload(numpy) else: import __builtin__ if hasattr(__builtin__, '__NUMPY_SETUP__'): del __builtin__.__NUMPY_SETUP__ import numpy reload(numpy) ext = Extension('test', []) ext.include_dirs.append(numpy.get_include()) if not has_include_file( ext.include_dirs, os.path.join("numpy", "arrayobject.h")): warnings.warn( "The C headers for numpy could not be found. " "You may need to install the development package") return [numpy.get_include()] def check(self): min_version = extract_versions()['__version__numpy__'] try: import numpy except ImportError: raise CheckFailed( "could not be found" ) #return 'not found. pip may install it below.' if not is_min_version(numpy.__version__, min_version): raise CheckFailed( "requires numpy %s or later to build; found %s" % (min_version, numpy.__version__)) return 'version %s' % numpy.__version__ def add_flags(self, ext): # Ensure that PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL is uniquely defined for # each extension array_api_name = 'MPL_' +'.', '_') + '_ARRAY_API' ext.define_macros.append(('PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL', array_api_name)) ext.add_hook('include_dirs', self.include_dirs_hook) def get_setup_requires(self): return ['numpy>=1.6'] def get_install_requires(self): return ['numpy>=1.6'] class CXX(SetupPackage): name = 'pycxx' def check(self): if PY3: # There is no version of PyCXX in the wild that will work # with Python 3.x and matplotlib, since they lack support # for the buffer object. self.__class__.found_external = False return ("Official versions of PyCXX are not compatible " "with matplotlib on Python 3.x, since they lack " "support for the buffer object. Using local " "copy") self.__class__.found_external = True old_stdout = sys.stdout if PY3: sys.stdout = io.StringIO() else: sys.stdout = io.BytesIO() try: import CXX except ImportError: self.__class__.found_external = False return "Couldn't import. Using local copy." finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout try: return self._check_for_pkg_config( 'PyCXX', 'CXX/Extensions.hxx', min_version='6.2.4') except CheckFailed as e: # It's ok to just proceed here, since the `import CXX` # worked above, and PyCXX (at least upstream) ensures that # its header files are on the default distutils include # path (either in a standard C place such as /usr/include, # or in /usr/include/pythonX.Y. return 'Using system CXX (version unknown, no pkg-config info)' def add_flags(self, ext): if self.found_external and not 'sdist' in sys.argv: support_dir = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( sys.prefix, 'share', 'python%d.%d' % ( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]), 'CXX')) if not os.path.exists(support_dir): # On Fedora 17, these files are installed in /usr/share/CXX support_dir = '/usr/src/CXX' ext.sources.extend([ os.path.join(support_dir, x) for x in ['cxxsupport.cxx', 'cxx_extensions.cxx', 'IndirectPythonInterface.cxx', 'cxxextensions.c']]) pkg_config.setup_extension(ext, 'PyCXX') else: ext.include_dirs.append('extern') ext.sources.extend(glob.glob('extern/CXX/*.cxx')) ext.sources.extend(glob.glob('extern/CXX/*.c')) ext.define_macros.append(('PYCXX_ISO_CPP_LIB', '1')) if PY3: ext.define_macros.append(('PYCXX_PYTHON_2TO3', '1')) if not (sys.platform == 'win32' and win32_compiler == 'msvc'): ext.libraries.append('stdc++') ext.libraries.append('m') class LibAgg(SetupPackage): name = 'libagg' def check(self): self.__class__.found_external = True try: return self._check_for_pkg_config( 'libagg', 'agg2/agg_basics.h', min_version='PATCH') except CheckFailed as e: self.__class__.found_external = False return str(e) + ' Using local copy.' def add_flags(self, ext): if self.found_external: pkg_config.setup_extension(ext, 'libagg') else: ext.include_dirs.append('extern/agg24/include') agg_sources = [ 'agg_bezier_arc.cpp', 'agg_curves.cpp', 'agg_image_filters.cpp', 'agg_trans_affine.cpp', 'agg_vcgen_contour.cpp', 'agg_vcgen_dash.cpp', 'agg_vcgen_stroke.cpp', 'agg_vpgen_segmentator.cpp' ] ext.sources.extend( os.path.join('extern', 'agg24', 'src', x) for x in agg_sources) class FreeType(SetupPackage): name = "freetype" def check(self): if sys.platform == 'win32': check_include_file(get_include_dirs(), 'ft2build.h', 'freetype') return 'Using unknown version found on system.' status, output = getstatusoutput("freetype-config --ftversion") if status == 0: version = output else: version = None # Early versions of freetype grep badly inside freetype-config, # so catch those cases. (tested with 2.5.3). if version is None or 'No such file or directory\ngrep:' in version: version = self.version_from_header() return self._check_for_pkg_config( 'freetype2', 'ft2build.h', min_version='2.3', version=version) def version_from_header(self): version = 'Failed to identify version.' ext = self.get_extension() if ext is None: return version # Return the first version found in the include dirs. for include_dir in ext.include_dirs: header_fname = os.path.join(include_dir, 'freetype.h') if os.path.exists(header_fname): major, minor, patch = 0, 0, 0 with open(header_fname, 'r') as fh: for line in fh: if line.startswith('#define FREETYPE_'): value = line.rsplit(' ', 1)[1].strip() if 'MAJOR' in line: major = value elif 'MINOR' in line: minor = value else: patch = value return '.'.join([major, minor, patch]) def add_flags(self, ext): pkg_config.setup_extension( ext, 'freetype2', default_include_dirs=[ 'include/freetype2', 'freetype2', 'lib/freetype2/include', 'lib/freetype2/include/freetype2'], default_library_dirs=[ 'freetype2/lib'], default_libraries=['freetype', 'z']) class FT2Font(SetupPackage): name = 'ft2font' def get_extension(self): sources = [ 'src/ft2font.cpp', 'src/mplutils.cpp' ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib.ft2font', sources) FreeType().add_flags(ext) Numpy().add_flags(ext) CXX().add_flags(ext) return ext class Png(SetupPackage): name = "png" def check(self): if sys.platform == 'win32': check_include_file(get_include_dirs(), 'png.h', 'png') return 'Using unknown version found on system.' status, output = getstatusoutput("libpng-config --version") if status == 0: version = output else: version = None try: return self._check_for_pkg_config( 'libpng', 'png.h', min_version='1.2', version=version) except CheckFailed as e: if has_include_file(get_include_dirs(), 'png.h'): return str(e) + ' Using unknown version found on system.' raise def get_extension(self): sources = [ 'src/_png.cpp', 'src/mplutils.cpp' ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib._png', sources) pkg_config.setup_extension( ext, 'libpng', default_libraries=['png', 'z'], alt_exec='libpng-config --ldflags') Numpy().add_flags(ext) CXX().add_flags(ext) return ext class Qhull(SetupPackage): name = "qhull" def check(self): self.__class__.found_external = True try: return self._check_for_pkg_config( 'qhull', 'qhull/qhull_a.h', min_version='2003.1') except CheckFailed as e: self.__class__.found_pkgconfig = False # Qhull may not be in the pkg-config system but may still be # present on this system, so check if the header files can be # found. include_dirs = [ os.path.join(x, 'qhull') for x in get_include_dirs()] if has_include_file(include_dirs, 'qhull_a.h'): return 'Using system Qhull (version unknown, no pkg-config info)' else: self.__class__.found_external = False return str(e) + ' Using local copy.' def add_flags(self, ext): if self.found_external: pkg_config.setup_extension(ext, 'qhull', default_libraries=['qhull']) else: ext.include_dirs.append('extern') ext.sources.extend(glob.glob('extern/qhull/*.c')) class TTConv(SetupPackage): name = "ttconv" def get_extension(self): sources = [ 'src/_ttconv.cpp', 'extern/ttconv/pprdrv_tt.cpp', 'extern/ttconv/pprdrv_tt2.cpp', 'extern/ttconv/ttutil.cpp' ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib.ttconv', sources) Numpy().add_flags(ext) CXX().add_flags(ext) ext.include_dirs.append('extern') return ext class Path(SetupPackage): name = "path" def get_extension(self): sources = [ 'src/_path.cpp', 'src/path_cleanup.cpp', 'src/agg_py_transforms.cpp' ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib._path', sources) Numpy().add_flags(ext) LibAgg().add_flags(ext) CXX().add_flags(ext) return ext class Image(SetupPackage): name = "image" def get_extension(self): sources = [ 'src/_image.cpp', 'src/mplutils.cpp' ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib._image', sources) Numpy().add_flags(ext) LibAgg().add_flags(ext) CXX().add_flags(ext) return ext class Contour(SetupPackage): name = "contour" def get_extension(self): sources = [ "src/cntr.c" ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib._cntr', sources) Numpy().add_flags(ext) return ext class Delaunay(SetupPackage): name = "delaunay" def get_packages(self): return ['matplotlib.delaunay'] def get_extension(self): sources = ["_delaunay.cpp", "VoronoiDiagramGenerator.cpp", "delaunay_utils.cpp", "natneighbors.cpp"] sources = [os.path.join('lib/matplotlib/delaunay', s) for s in sources] ext = make_extension('matplotlib._delaunay', sources) Numpy().add_flags(ext) return ext class QhullWrap(SetupPackage): name = "qhull_wrap" def get_extension(self): sources = ['src/qhull_wrap.c'] ext = make_extension('matplotlib._qhull', sources, define_macros=[('MPL_DEVNULL', os.devnull)]) Numpy().add_flags(ext) Qhull().add_flags(ext) return ext class Tri(SetupPackage): name = "tri" def get_extension(self): sources = [ "lib/matplotlib/tri/_tri.cpp", "src/mplutils.cpp" ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib._tri', sources) Numpy().add_flags(ext) CXX().add_flags(ext) return ext class Six(SetupPackage): name = "six" min_version = "1.4" def check(self): try: import six except ImportError: raise CheckFailed( "could not be found") if not is_min_version(six.__version__, self.min_version): raise CheckFailed( "requires six %s or later; found %s" % (self.min_version, six.__version__)) return "using six version %s" % six.__version__ def get_install_requires(self): return ['six>={0}'.format(self.min_version)] class Pytz(SetupPackage): name = "pytz" def check(self): try: import pytz except ImportError: raise CheckFailed ( "could not be found") return "using pytz version %s" % pytz.__version__ def get_install_requires(self): return ['pytz'] class Dateutil(SetupPackage): name = "dateutil" def __init__(self, version=None): self.version = version def check(self): try: import dateutil except ImportError: # dateutil 2.1 has a file encoding bug that breaks installation on # python 3.3 # # hack around the problem by installing the (working) v2.0 #major, minor1, _, _, _ = sys.version_info #if self.version is None and (major, minor1) == (3, 3): #self.version = '!=2.1' raise CheckFailed ( "could not be found") major, minor1, _, _, _ = sys.version_info if dateutil.__version__ == '2.1' and (major, minor1) == (3, 3): raise CheckFailed ( "dateutil v. 2.1 has a bug that breaks installation" "on python 3.3.x, use another dateutil version") return "using dateutil version %s" % dateutil.__version__ def get_install_requires(self): dateutil = 'python-dateutil' if self.version is not None: dateutil += self.version return [dateutil] class Tornado(SetupPackage): name = "tornado" def check(self): try: import tornado except ImportError: raise CheckFailed ( "could not be found") return "using tornado version %s" % tornado.version class Pyparsing(SetupPackage): name = "pyparsing" def is_ok(self): # pyparsing 2.0.0 bug, but it may be patched in distributions try: import pyparsing f = pyparsing.Forward() f <<= pyparsing.Literal('a') return f is not None except (ImportError, TypeError): return False def check(self): try: import pyparsing except ImportError: raise CheckFailed ( "could not be found") required = [1, 5, 6] if [int(x) for x in pyparsing.__version__.split('.')] < required: raise CheckFailed ( "matplotlib requires pyparsing >= {0}; yours is ".format( '.'.join(str(x) for x in required)) + pyparsing.__version__) if not self.is_ok(): return ( "Your pyparsing contains a bug that will be monkey-patched by " "matplotlib. For best results, upgrade to pyparsing 2.0.1 or " "later.") return "using pyparsing version %s" % pyparsing.__version__ def get_install_requires(self): if self.is_ok(): return ['pyparsing>=1.5.6'] else: return ['pyparsing>=1.5.6,!=2.0.0'] class BackendAgg(OptionalBackendPackage): name = "agg" def get_extension(self): sources = [ "src/mplutils.cpp", "src/agg_py_transforms.cpp", "src/_backend_agg.cpp" ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib.backends._backend_agg', sources) Numpy().add_flags(ext) LibAgg().add_flags(ext) FreeType().add_flags(ext) CXX().add_flags(ext) return ext class BackendTkAgg(OptionalBackendPackage): name = "tkagg" def __init__(self): self.tcl_tk_cache = None def check_requirements(self): try: if PY3: import tkinter as Tkinter else: import Tkinter except ImportError: raise CheckFailed('TKAgg requires Tkinter.') except RuntimeError: raise CheckFailed('Tkinter present but import failed.') else: if Tkinter.TkVersion < 8.3: raise CheckFailed("Tcl/Tk v8.3 or later required.") ext = self.get_extension() check_include_file(ext.include_dirs, "tk.h", "Tk") try: tk_v = Tkinter.__version__.split()[-2] except (AttributeError, IndexError): # Tkinter.__version__ has been removed in python 3 tk_v = 'version not identified' BackendAgg.force = True return "version %s" % tk_v def get_extension(self): sources = [ 'src/agg_py_transforms.cpp', 'src/_tkagg.cpp' ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib.backends._tkagg', sources) self.add_flags(ext) Numpy().add_flags(ext) LibAgg().add_flags(ext) CXX().add_flags(ext) return ext def query_tcltk(self): """ Tries to open a Tk window in order to query the Tk object about its library paths. This should never be called more than once by the same process, as Tk intricacies may cause the Python interpreter to hang. The function also has a workaround if no X server is running (useful for autobuild systems). """ # Use cached values if they exist, which ensures this function # only executes once if self.tcl_tk_cache is not None: return self.tcl_tk_cache # By this point, we already know that Tkinter imports correctly if PY3: import tkinter as Tkinter else: import Tkinter tcl_lib_dir = '' tk_lib_dir = '' # First try to open a Tk window (requires a running X server) try: tk = Tkinter.Tk() except Tkinter.TclError: # Next, start Tcl interpreter without opening a Tk window # (no need for X server) This feature is available in # python version 2.4 and up try: tcl = Tkinter.Tcl() except AttributeError: # Python version not high enough pass except Tkinter.TclError: # Something went wrong while opening Tcl pass else: tcl_lib_dir = str(tcl.getvar('tcl_library')) # Guess Tk location based on Tcl location (head, tail) = os.path.split(tcl_lib_dir) tail = tail.replace('Tcl', 'Tk').replace('tcl', 'tk') tk_lib_dir = os.path.join(head, tail) if not os.path.exists(tk_lib_dir): tk_lib_dir = tcl_lib_dir.replace( 'Tcl', 'Tk').replace('tcl', 'tk') else: # Obtain Tcl and Tk locations from Tk widget tk.withdraw() tcl_lib_dir = str(tk.getvar('tcl_library')) tk_lib_dir = str(tk.getvar('tk_library')) tk.destroy() # Save directories and version string to cache self.tcl_tk_cache = tcl_lib_dir, tk_lib_dir, str(Tkinter.TkVersion)[:3] return self.tcl_tk_cache def parse_tcl_config(self, tcl_lib_dir, tk_lib_dir): try: if PY3: import tkinter as Tkinter else: import Tkinter except ImportError: return None tcl_poss = [tcl_lib_dir, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(tcl_lib_dir, '..')), "/usr/lib/tcl" + str(Tkinter.TclVersion), "/usr/lib"] tk_poss = [tk_lib_dir, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(tk_lib_dir, '..')), "/usr/lib/tk" + str(Tkinter.TkVersion), "/usr/lib"] for ptcl, ptk in zip(tcl_poss, tk_poss): tcl_config = os.path.join(ptcl, "") tk_config = os.path.join(ptk, "") if (os.path.exists(tcl_config) and os.path.exists(tk_config)): break if not (os.path.exists(tcl_config) and os.path.exists(tk_config)): return None def get_var(file, varname): p = subprocess.Popen( '. %s ; eval echo ${%s}' % (file, varname), shell=True, executable="/bin/sh", stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result = p.communicate()[0] return result.decode('ascii') tcl_lib_dir = get_var( tcl_config, 'TCL_LIB_SPEC').split()[0][2:].strip() tcl_inc_dir = get_var( tcl_config, 'TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC')[2:].strip() tcl_lib = get_var(tcl_config, 'TCL_LIB_FLAG')[2:].strip() tk_lib_dir = get_var(tk_config, 'TK_LIB_SPEC').split()[0][2:].strip() tk_inc_dir = get_var(tk_config, 'TK_INCLUDE_SPEC').strip() if tk_inc_dir == '': tk_inc_dir = tcl_inc_dir else: tk_inc_dir = tk_inc_dir[2:] tk_lib = get_var(tk_config, 'TK_LIB_FLAG')[2:].strip() if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tk_inc_dir, 'tk.h')): return None return (tcl_lib_dir, tcl_inc_dir, tcl_lib, tk_lib_dir, tk_inc_dir, tk_lib) def guess_tcl_config(self, tcl_lib_dir, tk_lib_dir, tk_ver): if not (os.path.exists(tcl_lib_dir) and os.path.exists(tk_lib_dir)): return None tcl_lib = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(tcl_lib_dir, '../')) tk_lib = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(tk_lib_dir, '../')) tcl_inc = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(tcl_lib_dir, '../../include/tcl' + tk_ver)) if not os.path.exists(tcl_inc): tcl_inc = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(tcl_lib_dir, '../../include')) tk_inc = os.path.normpath(os.path.join( tk_lib_dir, '../../include/tk' + tk_ver)) if not os.path.exists(tk_inc): tk_inc = os.path.normpath(os.path.join( tk_lib_dir, '../../include')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tk_inc, 'tk.h')): tk_inc = tcl_inc if not os.path.exists(tcl_inc): # this is a hack for suse linux, which is broken if (sys.platform.startswith('linux') and os.path.exists('/usr/include/tcl.h') and os.path.exists('/usr/include/tk.h')): tcl_inc = '/usr/include' tk_inc = '/usr/include' if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tk_inc, 'tk.h')): return None return tcl_lib, tcl_inc, 'tcl' + tk_ver, tk_lib, tk_inc, 'tk' + tk_ver def hardcoded_tcl_config(self): tcl_inc = "/usr/local/include" tk_inc = "/usr/local/include" tcl_lib = "/usr/local/lib" tk_lib = "/usr/local/lib" return tcl_lib, tcl_inc, 'tcl', tk_lib, tk_inc, 'tk' def add_flags(self, ext): if sys.platform == 'win32': major, minor1, minor2, s, tmp = sys.version_info if sys.version_info[0:2] < (3, 4): ext.include_dirs.extend(['win32_static/include/tcl85']) ext.libraries.extend(['tk85', 'tcl85']) else: ext.include_dirs.extend(['win32_static/include/tcl86']) ext.libraries.extend(['tk86t', 'tcl86t']) ext.library_dirs.extend([os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'dlls')]) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': # this config section lifted directly from Imaging - thanks to # the effbot! # First test for a MacOSX/darwin framework install from os.path import join, exists framework_dirs = [ join(os.getenv('HOME'), '/Library/Frameworks'), '/Library/Frameworks', '/System/Library/Frameworks/', ] # Find the directory that contains the Tcl.framework and # Tk.framework bundles. tk_framework_found = 0 for F in framework_dirs: # both Tcl.framework and Tk.framework should be present for fw in 'Tcl', 'Tk': if not exists(join(F, fw + '.framework')): break else: # ok, F is now directory with both frameworks. Continure # building tk_framework_found = 1 break if tk_framework_found: # For 8.4a2, we must add -I options that point inside # the Tcl and Tk frameworks. In later release we # should hopefully be able to pass the -F option to # gcc, which specifies a framework lookup path. tk_include_dirs = [ join(F, fw + '.framework', H) for fw in ('Tcl', 'Tk') for H in ('Headers', 'Versions/Current/PrivateHeaders') ] # For 8.4a2, the X11 headers are not included. Rather # than include a complicated search, this is a # hard-coded path. It could bail out if X11 libs are # not found... # tk_include_dirs.append('/usr/X11R6/include') frameworks = ['-framework', 'Tcl', '-framework', 'Tk'] ext.include_dirs.extend(tk_include_dirs) ext.extra_link_args.extend(frameworks) ext.extra_compile_args.extend(frameworks) # you're still here? ok we'll try it this way... else: # There are 3 methods to try, in decreasing order of "smartness" # # 1. Parse the and files that have # all the information we need # # 2. Guess the include and lib dirs based on the location of # Tkinter's 'tcl_library' and 'tk_library' variables. # # 3. Use some hardcoded locations that seem to work on a lot # of distros. # Query Tcl/Tk system for library paths and version string try: tcl_lib_dir, tk_lib_dir, tk_ver = self.query_tcltk() except: tk_ver = '' result = self.hardcoded_tcl_config() else: result = self.parse_tcl_config(tcl_lib_dir, tk_lib_dir) if result is None: result = self.guess_tcl_config( tcl_lib_dir, tk_lib_dir, tk_ver) if result is None: result = self.hardcoded_tcl_config() # Add final versions of directories and libraries to ext lists (tcl_lib_dir, tcl_inc_dir, tcl_lib, tk_lib_dir, tk_inc_dir, tk_lib) = result ext.include_dirs.extend([tcl_inc_dir, tk_inc_dir]) ext.library_dirs.extend([tcl_lib_dir, tk_lib_dir]) ext.libraries.extend([tcl_lib, tk_lib]) class BackendGtk(OptionalBackendPackage): name = "gtk" def check_requirements(self): try: import gtk except ImportError: raise CheckFailed("Requires pygtk") except RuntimeError: raise CheckFailed('pygtk present, but import failed.') else: version = (2, 2, 0) if gtk.pygtk_version < version: raise CheckFailed( "Requires pygtk %d.%d.%d or later. " "Found %d.%d.%d" % (version + gtk.pygtk_version)) ext = self.get_extension() self.add_flags(ext) check_include_file(ext.include_dirs, os.path.join("gtk", "gtk.h"), 'gtk') check_include_file(ext.include_dirs, os.path.join("pygtk", "pygtk.h"), 'pygtk') return 'Gtk: %s pygtk: %s' % ( ".".join(str(x) for x in gtk.gtk_version), ".".join(str(x) for x in gtk.pygtk_version)) def get_package_data(self): return {'matplotlib': ['mpl-data/*.glade']} def get_extension(self): sources = [ 'src/_backend_gdk.c' ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib.backends._backend_gdk', sources) self.add_flags(ext) Numpy().add_flags(ext) return ext def add_flags(self, ext): if sys.platform == 'win32': def getoutput(s): ret = os.popen(s).read().strip() return ret if 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' not in os.environ: # If Gtk+ is installed, pkg-config is required to be installed os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = 'C:\\GTK\\lib\\pkgconfig' # popen broken on my win32 plaform so I can't use pkgconfig ext.library_dirs.extend( ['C:/GTK/bin', 'C:/GTK/lib']) ext.include_dirs.extend( ['win32_static/include/pygtk-2.0', 'C:/GTK/include', 'C:/GTK/include/gobject', 'C:/GTK/include/gext', 'C:/GTK/include/glib', 'C:/GTK/include/pango', 'C:/GTK/include/atk', 'C:/GTK/include/X11', 'C:/GTK/include/cairo', 'C:/GTK/include/gdk', 'C:/GTK/include/gdk-pixbuf', 'C:/GTK/include/gtk', ]) pygtkIncludes = getoutput( 'pkg-config --cflags-only-I pygtk-2.0').split() gtkIncludes = getoutput( 'pkg-config --cflags-only-I gtk+-2.0').split() includes = pygtkIncludes + gtkIncludes ext.include_dirs.extend([include[2:] for include in includes]) pygtkLinker = getoutput('pkg-config --libs pygtk-2.0').split() gtkLinker = getoutput('pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0').split() linkerFlags = pygtkLinker + gtkLinker ext.libraries.extend( [flag[2:] for flag in linkerFlags if flag.startswith('-l')]) ext.library_dirs.extend( [flag[2:] for flag in linkerFlags if flag.startswith('-L')]) ext.extra_link_args.extend( [flag for flag in linkerFlags if not (flag.startswith('-l') or flag.startswith('-L'))]) # visual studio doesn't need the math library if (sys.platform == 'win32' and win32_compiler == 'msvc' and 'm' in ext.libraries): ext.libraries.remove('m') elif sys.platform != 'win32': pkg_config.setup_extension(ext, 'pygtk-2.0') pkg_config.setup_extension(ext, 'gtk+-2.0') class BackendGtkAgg(BackendGtk): name = "gtkagg" def check(self): try: return super(BackendGtkAgg, self).check() except: raise else: BackendAgg.force = True def get_package_data(self): return {'matplotlib': ['mpl-data/*.glade']} def get_extension(self): sources = [ 'src/agg_py_transforms.cpp', 'src/_gtkagg.cpp', 'src/mplutils.cpp' ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib.backends._gtkagg', sources) self.add_flags(ext) LibAgg().add_flags(ext) CXX().add_flags(ext) Numpy().add_flags(ext) return ext def backend_gtk3agg_internal_check(x): try: import gi except ImportError: return (False, "Requires pygobject to be installed.") try: gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") except ValueError: return (False, "Requires gtk3 development files to be installed.") except AttributeError: return (False, "pygobject version too old.") try: from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GObject except (ImportError, RuntimeError): return (False, "Requires pygobject to be installed.") return (True, "version %s.%s.%s" % ( Gtk.get_major_version(), Gtk.get_micro_version(), Gtk.get_minor_version())) class BackendGtk3Agg(OptionalBackendPackage): name = "gtk3agg" def check_requirements(self): if 'TRAVIS' in os.environ: raise CheckFailed("Can't build with Travis") # This check needs to be performed out-of-process, because # importing gi and then importing regular old pygtk afterward # segfaults the interpreter. try: p = multiprocessing.Pool() except: return "unknown (can not use multiprocessing to determine)" try: success, msg =, [0])[0] except: success = False msg = "Could not determine" finally: p.close() p.join() if success: BackendAgg.force = True return msg else: raise CheckFailed(msg) def get_package_data(self): return {'matplotlib': ['mpl-data/*.glade']} def backend_gtk3cairo_internal_check(x): try: import cairocffi except ImportError: try: import cairo except ImportError: return (False, "Requires cairocffi or pycairo to be installed.") try: import gi except ImportError: return (False, "Requires pygobject to be installed.") try: gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") except ValueError: return (False, "Requires gtk3 development files to be installed.") except AttributeError: return (False, "pygobject version too old.") try: from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GObject except (RuntimeError, ImportError): return (False, "Requires pygobject to be installed.") return (True, "version %s.%s.%s" % ( Gtk.get_major_version(), Gtk.get_micro_version(), Gtk.get_minor_version())) class BackendGtk3Cairo(OptionalBackendPackage): name = "gtk3cairo" def check_requirements(self): if 'TRAVIS' in os.environ: raise CheckFailed("Can't build with Travis") # This check needs to be performed out-of-process, because # importing gi and then importing regular old pygtk afterward # segfaults the interpreter. try: p = multiprocessing.Pool() except: return "unknown (can not use multiprocessing to determine)" success, msg =, [0])[0] p.close() p.join() if success: BackendAgg.force = True return msg else: raise CheckFailed(msg) def get_package_data(self): return {'matplotlib': ['mpl-data/*.glade']} class BackendWxAgg(OptionalBackendPackage): name = "wxagg" def check_requirements(self): try: import wxversion except ImportError: raise CheckFailed("requires wxPython") try: _wx_ensure_failed = wxversion.AlreadyImportedError except AttributeError: _wx_ensure_failed = wxversion.VersionError try: wxversion.ensureMinimal('2.8') except _wx_ensure_failed: pass try: import wx backend_version = wx.VERSION_STRING except ImportError: raise CheckFailed("requires wxPython") # Extra version check in case wxversion lacks AlreadyImportedError; # then VersionError might have been raised and ignored when # there really *is* a problem with the version. major, minor = [int(n) for n in backend_version.split('.')[:2]] if major < 2 or (major < 3 and minor < 8): raise CheckFailed( "Requires wxPython 2.8, found %s" % backend_version) BackendAgg.force = True return "version %s" % backend_version class BackendMacOSX(OptionalBackendPackage): name = 'macosx' def check_requirements(self): if sys.platform != 'darwin': raise CheckFailed("Mac OS-X only") return 'darwin' def get_extension(self): sources = [ 'src/_macosx.m', 'src/agg_py_transforms.cpp', 'src/path_cleanup.cpp' ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib.backends._macosx', sources) Numpy().add_flags(ext) LibAgg().add_flags(ext) CXX().add_flags(ext) ext.extra_link_args.extend(['-framework', 'Cocoa']) return ext class Windowing(OptionalBackendPackage): """ Builds the windowing extension. """ name = "windowing" def check_requirements(self): if sys.platform != 'win32': raise CheckFailed("Microsoft Windows only") config = self.get_config() if config is False: raise CheckFailed("skipping due to configuration") return "installing" def get_extension(self): sources = [ "src/_windowing.cpp" ] ext = make_extension('matplotlib._windowing', sources) ext.include_dirs.extend(['C:/include']) ext.libraries.extend(['user32']) ext.library_dirs.extend(['C:/lib']) ext.extra_link_args.append("-mwindows") return ext class BackendQtBase(OptionalBackendPackage): def convert_qt_version(self, version): version = '%x' % version temp = [] while len(version) > 0: version, chunk = version[:-2], version[-2:] temp.insert(0, str(int(chunk, 16))) return '.'.join(temp) def check_requirements(self): ''' If PyQt4/PyQt5 is already imported, importing PyQt5/PyQt4 will fail so we need to test in a subprocess (as for Gtk3). ''' try: p = multiprocessing.Pool() except: # Can't do multiprocessing, fall back to normal approach ( this will fail if importing both PyQt4 and PyQt5 ) try: # Try in-process msg = self.callback(self) except RuntimeError: raise CheckFailed("Could not import: are PyQt4 & PyQt5 both installed?") except: # Raise any other exceptions raise else: # Multiprocessing OK try: msg =, [self])[0] except: # If we hit an error on multiprocessing raise it raise finally: # Tidy up multiprocessing p.close() p.join() return msg def backend_qt4_internal_check(self): try: from PyQt4 import QtCore except ImportError: raise CheckFailed("PyQt4 not found") try: qt_version = QtCore.QT_VERSION pyqt_version_str = QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR except AttributeError: raise CheckFailed('PyQt4 not correctly imported') else: BackendAgg.force = True return ("Qt: %s, PyQt: %s" % (self.convert_qt_version(qt_version), pyqt_version_str)) class BackendQt4(BackendQtBase): name = "qt4agg" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BackendQtBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.callback = backend_qt4_internal_check def backend_qt5_internal_check(self): try: from PyQt5 import QtCore except ImportError: raise CheckFailed("PyQt5 not found") try: qt_version = QtCore.QT_VERSION pyqt_version_str = QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR except AttributeError: raise CheckFailed('PyQt5 not correctly imported') else: BackendAgg.force = True return ("Qt: %s, PyQt: %s" % (self.convert_qt_version(qt_version), pyqt_version_str)) class BackendQt5(BackendQtBase): name = "qt5agg" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BackendQtBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.callback = backend_qt5_internal_check def backend_pyside_internal_check(self): try: from PySide import __version__ from PySide import QtCore except ImportError: raise CheckFailed("PySide not found") else: BackendAgg.force = True return ("Qt: %s, PySide: %s" % (QtCore.__version__, __version__)) class BackendPySide(BackendQtBase): name = "pyside" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BackendQtBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.callback = backend_pyside_internal_check class BackendCairo(OptionalBackendPackage): name = "cairo" def check_requirements(self): try: import cairocffi except ImportError: try: import cairo except ImportError: raise CheckFailed("cairocffi or pycairo not found") else: return "pycairo version %s" % cairo.version else: return "cairocffi version %s" % cairocffi.version class DviPng(SetupPackage): name = "dvipng" optional = True def check(self): try: output = check_output('dvipng -version', shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return "version %s" % output.splitlines()[1].decode().split()[-1] except (IndexError, ValueError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): raise CheckFailed() class Ghostscript(SetupPackage): name = "ghostscript" optional = True def check(self): try: if sys.platform == 'win32': command = 'gswin32c --version' try: output = check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: command = 'gswin64c --version' output = check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) else: command = 'gs --version' output = check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return "version %s" % output.decode()[:-1] except (IndexError, ValueError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): raise CheckFailed() class LaTeX(SetupPackage): name = "latex" optional = True def check(self): try: output = check_output('latex -version', shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) line = output.splitlines()[0].decode() pattern = '(3\.1\d+)|(MiKTeX \d+.\d+)' match =, line) return "version %s" % except (IndexError, ValueError, AttributeError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): raise CheckFailed() class PdfToPs(SetupPackage): name = "pdftops" optional = True def check(self): try: output = check_output('pdftops -v', shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) for line in output.splitlines(): line = line.decode() if 'version' in line: return "version %s" % line.split()[2] except (IndexError, ValueError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass raise CheckFailed()