path: root/python
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* python/cloudscraper: Added (Python Module).Hunter Sezen2020-02-15
* python/py-cpuinfo: Updated for version 5.0.0.Philip Lacroix2020-02-15
* python/python-evdev: Updated for version 1.3.0.Isaac Yu2020-02-15
* python/pycryptodomex: Updated for version 3.9.6.Markus Rinne2020-02-15
* python/selenium: Updated for version 3.141.0.Dimitris Zlatanidis2020-02-08
* python/python3-django: Updated for version 3.0.3.Dimitris Zlatanidis2020-02-08
* python/python-PySnooper: Updated for version 0.3.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2020-02-08
* python/parso: Updated for version 0.6.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2020-02-08
* python/python-neovim: Updated for version 0.4.1.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2020-02-08
* python/python3-jedi: Updated for version 0.16.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2020-02-08
* python/python3-jupyter-ipykernel: Updated for version 5.1.4.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2020-02-08
* python/python-importlib_metadata: Updated for 1.5.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2020-02-08
* python/llfuse: New maintainer.B. Watson2020-02-08
* python/html2text: Updated for version 2020.1.16, new maintainer.B. Watson2020-02-08
* python/werkzeug: Updated for version 0.16.1.Dominik Drobek2020-02-08
* python/pyudev: Updated for version 0.22.0.Isaac Yu2020-02-08
* python/psutil: Fix permission.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2020-02-01
* python/python-sh: Autodetect python3Larry Hajali2020-02-01
* python/six: Updated for version 1.14.0Larry Hajali2020-02-01
* python/psutil: Updated for version 5.6.7Larry Hajali2020-02-01
* python/python3-packaging: Updated for version 20.1.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2020-02-01
* python/python-importlib_metadata: Updated for 1.4.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2020-02-01
* python/backlash: Reflow README.B. Watson2020-02-01
* python/PyXB: Convert .info file to UTF-8.B. Watson2020-02-01
* python/django-debug-toolbar: Updated REQUIRES.Dimitris Zlatanidis2020-01-26
* python/python-neovim: Add missing pytest-runner dependency.Andrew Clemons2020-01-26
* python/thonny: Updated for version 3.2.7.Tim Dickson2020-01-25
* python/dnspython: Update READMEWilly Sudiarto Raharjo2020-01-25
* python/pycryptodome: Removed (See pycryptodomex).Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2020-01-25
* python/pycryptodomex: Added (Python Cryptography Toolkit).Markus Rinne2020-01-25
* python/python-configargparse: Updated for version 1.0.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2020-01-22
* python/pytz: Add python3 support by default.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2020-01-19
* python/python3-multidict: Updated for version 4.7.4.Isaac Yu2020-01-19
* python/imagesize: Convert slack-desc to ASCII.B. Watson2020-01-18
* python/ptyprocess: Convert slack-desc to ASCII.B. Watson2020-01-18
* python/python-d2to1: Convert slack-desc to ASCII.B. Watson2020-01-18
* python/python-stsci.distutils: Convert slack-desc to ASCII.B. Watson2020-01-18
* python/python3-django: Convert slack-desc to ASCII.B. Watson2020-01-18
* python/python3-ptyprocess: Convert slack-desc to ASCII.B. Watson2020-01-18
* python/testtools: Convert slack-desc to ASCII.B. Watson2020-01-18
* sbo/scripts: Email changesDave Woodfall2020-01-18
* python/python-augeas: Add python3 support.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2020-01-18
* python/pbr: Add python3 support.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2020-01-18
* python/python3-aiohttp-socks: Updated for version 0.3.4.Isaac Yu2020-01-18
* python/mock: Add python3 support.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2020-01-18
* python/python-parsedatetime: Add python3 support.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2020-01-18
* python/pyrfc3339: Add python3 support.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2020-01-18
* python/Unidecode: Add python3 support.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2020-01-17
* python/pycryptodome: Add Python 3 support.Markus Rinne2020-01-16
* python/typed_ast: Updated for version 1.4.1.Markus Rinne2020-01-16