path: root/python
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* python/pep8: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, *.infoRobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/netifaces: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, *.infoRobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/mechanize: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, *.infoRobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/lockfile: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, *.infoRobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/feedparser: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, *.infoRobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/cssutils: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, *.infoRobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/cssselect: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, *.infoRobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/boto: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, *.infoRobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/MarkupSafe: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, *.infoRobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/pyinotify: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, READMERobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/rope: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, READMERobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/virtualenv: sed s,distribute,pysetuptools, READMERobby Workman2013-07-14
* python/virtualenv: New maintainer (no other changes)Audrius Kažukauskas2013-07-14
* python/psutil: Updated for version 1.0.1.Larry Hajali2013-07-14
* python/pysetuptools: Updated for version 0.8.Audrius Kažukauskas2013-07-08
* python/feedgenerator: Fixed dep infoRobby Workman2013-07-07
* python/pelican: Added (static site generator, written in Python)Markus Reichelt2013-07-07
* python/Unidecode: Added (Python port of the Text::Unidecode Perl module)Markus Reichelt2013-07-07
* python/winpdb: Updated for version 1.4.8.Andrew Rowland2013-07-07
* python/python-requests: Added (Requests: HTTP for Humans)Thibaut Notteboom2013-06-30
* python/Pyro4: Updated for version 4.20.Thibaut Notteboom2013-06-26
* python/python-urllib3: Updated for version 1.6.Thibaut Notteboom2013-06-26
* python/PyGreSQL: Added (Python PostgreSQL Interfaces)Christoph Willing2013-06-20
* python/lxml: Remove distribute dependency.Larry Hajali2013-06-09
* python/psutil: Updated for version 0.7.1.Larry Hajali2013-06-09
* python/cssutils: Updated for version 0.9.10.Larry Hajali2013-06-09
* python/lxml: Updated for version 3.2.1.Larry Hajali2013-06-09
* python/stem: Added (Python controller library for Tor)Markus Reichelt2013-06-05
* python/python-daemon: Added (create pythonic daemon processes)klaatu2013-06-05
* python/lockfile: Added (API for locking files)klaatu2013-06-05
* python/virtualenv: Updated for version 1.9.1.Larry Hajali2013-06-04
* python/python3: Updated for version 3.3.2.Audrius Kažukauskas2013-06-04
* python/pyinotify: Updated for version 0.9.4.Larry Hajali2013-06-04
* python/python-pmw: Updated for version 1.3.3a.LukenShiro2013-05-19
* python/pyflakes: Updated for version 0.7.2.LukenShiro2013-05-19
* python/pip: Updated for version 1.3.1.Audrius Kažukauskas2013-05-19
* python/pep8: Updated for version 1.4.5.Audrius Kažukauskas2013-05-19
* python/numexpr: Updated for version 2.1.LukenShiro2013-05-19
* python/cssselect: Updated for version 0.8.Larry Hajali2013-05-19
* python/Pygments: Updated for version 1.6.LukenShiro2013-05-19
* python/python-authres: Added (RFC 5451 Auth Results Headers generation and pa...Christopher Walker2013-05-12
* python/virtualenvwrapper: Updated for version 3.7.vvoody2013-04-28
* python/six: Updated for version 1.3.0.Larry Hajali2013-04-28
* python/python3: Updated for version 3.3.1.Audrius Kažukauskas2013-04-28
* python/distribute: Updated for version 0.6.36.Audrius Kažukauskas2013-04-28
* python/python-netaddr: Added (Network address manipulation)Christoph Willing2013-04-26
* python/pymongo: Added (Python Driver/Tools for mongodb)Christoph Willing2013-04-15
* python/hg-git: Updated for version 0.4.0.Audrius Kažukauskas2013-04-15
* python/dulwich: Updated for version 0.8.7.Audrius Kažukauskas2013-04-15
* python/lxml: Updated for version 3.1.1.Larry Hajali2013-04-15