path: root/python
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* python/argcomplete: Added (Bash tab completion for argparse).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-29
* python/soundcloud: Added (wrapper library for the Soundcloud API).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-29
* python/tox: Added (virtualenv-based automation of test activities).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-29
* python/six: Updated for version 1.5.2.Larry Hajali2014-01-29
* python/py: Added (library with cross-python path).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-29
* python/wsgiref: Added (WSGI (PEP 333) Reference Library).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-29
* python/fudge: Added (Python module for using fake objects).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-29
* python/clint: Added (Python Command-line Application Tools).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-29
* python/args: Added (Command Arguments for Humans).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-29
* python/pygame: Updated for version 1.9.1 + New Maintainer.Bojan Popovic2014-01-29
* python/py3cairo: Added (Python 3.x bindings for cairo).Bojan Popovic2014-01-29
* python/threadpool: Added pysetuptools as dependency.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2014-01-29
* python/sql: Removed the pysetuptools dependency.Matteo Bernardini2014-01-29
* python/Mako: Fixed download link.Matteo Bernardini2014-01-29
* python/colorama: Added (Cross-platform colored terminal text).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-07
* python/termcolor: Added (ANSII Color formatting).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-07
* python/python3: Updated for version 3.3.3.Audrius Kažukauskas2014-01-07
* python/geopy: Updated for version 0.97.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2014-01-07
* python/SimpleParse: Removed (incompatible with newer pysetuptools).Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2014-01-07
* python/gerbmerge: Removed (build dep failure).Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2014-01-07
* python/babel: Added missing data files.Matteo Bernardini2014-01-07
* python/pip: Updated for version 1.4.1.Audrius Kažukauskas2014-01-07
* python/pysetuptools: Updated for version 2.0.1.Audrius Kažukauskas2014-01-07
* python/hg-git: Updated for version 0.5.0.Audrius Kažukauskas2014-01-07
* python/dulwich: Updated for version 0.9.4.Audrius Kažukauskas2014-01-07
* python/pyutil: Updated for version 1.9.7.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/webassets: Updated for version 0.9.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/pySmartDL: Added (download manager for python).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-07
* python/threadpool: Added (object-oriented thread pool framework).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-07
* python/sql: Added (DB API 2.0 for humans).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-01-07
* python/pelican: Updated for version 3.3.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/virtualenv: Updated for version 1.10.1.Audrius Kažukauskas2014-01-07
* python/stem: Updated for version 1.1.1.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/python-blake2: Updated for version 0.1.6.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/pyasn1: Updated for version 0.1.7.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/mock: Updated for version 1.0.1.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/feedgenerator: Updated for version 1.7.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/buildbot-slave: Updated for version 0.8.8.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/blinker: Updated for version 1.3.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/Unidecode: Updated for version 0.4.14.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/Markdown: Updated for version 2.3.1.Markus Reichelt2014-01-07
* python/werkzeug: Added (WSGI utility library for Python).Mohamed LYAHYAOUI2013-12-25
* python/python-vatnumber: Renamed from vatnumberMohamed LYAHYAOUI2013-12-25
* python/python-xlwt: Added (Python package to work with MS Excel ™).Mohamed LYAHYAOUI2013-12-25
* python/vatnumber: Added (Python module to validate VAT numbers).Mohamed LYAHYAOUI2013-12-17
* python/python-ldap: Added (Python modules for LDAP clients).Mohamed LYAHYAOUI2013-12-17
* python/psutil: Updated for version 1.2.1.Larry Hajali2013-12-14
* python/pygoocanvas: Changed homepage.King Beowulf2013-12-14
* python/gnome-python-desktop: Removed metacity from optdepsRobby Workman2013-12-06
* python/Mako: Update Email Address.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2013-12-05