path: root/perl
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* perl/perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods: Added (helper for Sub::Exporter).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-22
* perl/perl-Devel-Declare: Added (Adding keywords to perl, in perl).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-22
* perl/perl-namespace-autoclean: Added (imports out of namespace).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-22
* perl/perl-namespace-clean: Added (Keep imports out of namespace).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope: Added (execute code after compile).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-Devel-OverloadInfo: Added (Introspect overloaded ops).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-Class-Load-XS: Added (XS implementation of Class::Load).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-Sub-Identify: Added (Retrieve names of code references).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr: Added (Hook into opcode execution).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check: Added (Hook into XS modules).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-Math-GSL-Linalg-SVD: Added (SVD and eigenvector decomp).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-Variable-Magic: Added (user-defined magic).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-Scope-Upper: Added (Act on upper scopes).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-MRO-Compat: Added (mro::* interface compatibility).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-File-Type: Added (Determine file type using magic).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-File-Grep: Added (Find matches in files).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-Clone: Added (Recursively copy Perl datatypes).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/perl-aliased: Added (Use shorter versions of class names).Jan F. Chadima2018-03-21
* perl/txt2html: Added (Text to HTML converter).Fernando Lopez Jr2018-03-19
* perl/perl-file-basedir: Updated for version 0.08.Edinaldo P. Silva2018-03-17
* perl/perl-Math-MPFR: Updated for version 4.01.Edinaldo P. Silva2018-03-10
* perl/perl-Log-Dispatch: Mirror download url.Matteo Bernardini2018-03-06
* perl/perl-IO-Socket-INET6: Mirror download url.Matteo Bernardini2018-03-06
* perl/perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime: Mirror download url.Matteo Bernardini2018-03-06
* perl/perl-DBD-Pg: Mirror download url.Matteo Bernardini2018-03-06
* perl/libpurple-kwallet-plugin: Mirror download url.Matteo Bernardini2018-03-06
* perl/perl-Test-Harness: Updated for version 3.41.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2018-03-05
* perl/perl-Date-Manip: Updated for version 6.70.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2018-03-03
* perl/perl-DBD-Pg: Update download url.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2018-03-02
* perl/perl-X10: Updated for version 0.04.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2018-03-02
* perl/perl-YAML-Tiny: Updated for version 1.73.Edinaldo P. Silva2018-02-25
* perl/perl-Carp-Clan: Updated for version 6.06.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2018-02-24
* perl/perl-Module-Manifest: Update HOMEPAGE url.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2018-02-24
* perl/perl-IO-Socket-SSL: Updated for version 2.056.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2018-02-24
* perl/perl-Sidef: Updated for version 3.15.Edinaldo P. Silva2018-02-18
* perl/perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate: Added (kate highlight).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-String-Similarity: Added (similarity of two strings).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-Locale-PO: Added (Manipulate .po from GNU gettext).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-Locale-Msgfmt: Added (Compile .po files to .mo files).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext: Added (gettext and Maketext).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-Lingua-EN-Fathom: Added (readability of English text).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-Lingua-EN-Syllable: Added (short description of app).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown: Added (HTML to Markdown).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-HTML-WikiConverter: Added (Convert HTML to wiki markup).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-CGI-Application: Added (Framework for web-applications).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-Class-ISA: Added (search path for class's ISA tree).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-CSS: Added (Object oriented Cascading Style Sheets).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables: Added (HTML to Text).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks: Added (HTML to text).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17
* perl/perl-HTML-Formatter: Added (Base class for HTML formatters).Nikos Giotis2018-02-17