path: root/desktop
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* desktop/ccsm: Removed from 13.0 repositoryHeinz Wiesinger2010-05-13
* desktop/candido: Removed from 13.0 repositoryHeinz Wiesinger2010-05-13
* desktop/blended: Removed from 13.0 repositoryHeinz Wiesinger2010-05-13
* desktop/bbrun: Removed from 13.0 repositoryHeinz Wiesinger2010-05-13
* desktop/alphacube: Removed from 13.0 repositoryHeinz Wiesinger2010-05-13
* desktop/alltray: Removed from 13.0 repositoryHeinz Wiesinger2010-05-13
* desktop/adesklets: Removed from 13.0 repositoryHeinz Wiesinger2010-05-13
* desktop/SystemPreferences: Removed from 13.0 repositoryHeinz Wiesinger2010-05-13
* desktop/QtCurve-KDE3: Removed from 13.0 repositoryHeinz Wiesinger2010-05-13
* desktop/Blokkal: Removed from 13.0 repositoryHeinz Wiesinger2010-05-13
* desktop/3ddesktop: Removed from 13.0 repositoryHeinz Wiesinger2010-05-13
* desktop/zenity: Added to 12.2 repositoryLarry Hajali2010-05-12
* desktop/xxkb: Added to 12.2 repositoryCyril A. Sluchanko2010-05-12
* desktop/xsession: Added to 12.2 repositoryRichard Ellis2010-05-12
* desktop/xmonad: Added to 12.2 repositoryMikko Varri2010-05-12
* desktop/xmobar: Added to 12.2 repositoryXavier Maillard2010-05-12
* desktop/xfce4-screenshooter: Added to 12.2 repositoryRobby Workman2010-05-12
* desktop/xfce4-datetime-plugin: Added to 12.2 repositoryFrank Caraballo2010-05-12
* desktop/wmweather: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wmtop: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/ Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wmpower: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wmnet: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wmmon: Added to 12.2 repositoryB. Watson2010-05-12
* desktop/wmmixer: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wminfo: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wmfire: Added to 12.2 repositoryRichard Ellis2010-05-12
* desktop/wmdrawer: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wmdate: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wmclock: Added to 12.2 repositoryB. Watson2010-05-12
* desktop/wmcliphist: Added to 12.2 repositoryShining2010-05-12
* desktop/wmbiff: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wmakerconf: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wmSun: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wmMoonClock: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/wmCalClock: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/synce-hal: Added to 12.2 repositoryLionel Young2010-05-12
* desktop/sync-engine: Added to 12.2 repositoryLionel Young2010-05-12
* desktop/slock: Added to 12.2 repositoryGrigorios Bouzakis2010-05-12
* desktop/q4wine: Added to 12.2 repositoryDavid Somero2010-05-12
* desktop/pclock: Added to 12.2 repositoryCezary M. Kruk2010-05-12
* desktop/parcellite: Added to 12.2 repositoryPhillip Warner2010-05-12
* desktop/odccm: Added to 12.2 repositoryredtricycle2010-05-12
* desktop/gtk-smooth-engine: Added to 12.2 repositoryJoel J. Adamson2010-05-12
* desktop/gtk-nodoka-engine: Added to 12.2 repositoryErik Hanson2010-05-12
* desktop/google-gadgets-for-linux: Added to 12.2 repositoryJK Wood2010-05-12
* desktop/gnome-colors: Added to 12.2 repositoryEugene Wissner2010-05-12
* desktop/dzen2: Added to 12.2 repositoryGrigorios Bouzakis2010-05-12
* desktop/dwm: Added to 12.2 repositoryTom Canich2010-05-12
* desktop/devilspie: Added to 12.2 repositoryPhillip Warner2010-05-12