Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* libraries/libmediainfo: Updated for version 0.7.98.Jeremy Hansen2017-09-02
* libraries/libzen: Updated for version 0.4.36.Jeremy Hansen2017-09-02
* games/Pyfa: Updated for version 1.31.0.Zach Lewis2017-09-02
* network/2ping: Added (bi-directional ping utility).B. Watson2017-09-02
* libraries/libiio: Added (Linux Industrial I/O library).Bogdan Radulescu2017-09-02
* network/yle-dl: Added (Download videos from Yle servers).Markus Rinne2017-09-02
* games/edgar: Updated for version 1.27.Tim Dickson2017-09-02
* python/python-progress: Added (easy to use progress bars).Markus Rinne2017-09-02
* system/ripgrep: Added (line oriented search tool).Andrew Clemons2017-09-02
* development/cppcms: Updated for version 1.1.1.Cristiano Urban2017-09-02
* system/hfsprogs: Added (hfs+ user space utils).Eric Fernandes Ferreira2017-09-02
* audio/kid3: Updated for version 3.5.0.Michales Michaloudes2017-09-01
* network/tor: Updated for version Lopez Jr2017-09-01
* system/noto-emoji: Updated for version gita4ddd5b.Andrew Clemons2017-09-01
* system/fpm2: Switch to https.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-31
* python/egenix-mx-base: Switch to https.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-31
* libraries/ogre: Updated to latest 1.9 commits.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-31
* office/libreoffice-langpack: Updated for version 5.4.1.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-31
* office/libreoffice-helppack: Updated for version 5.4.1.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-31
* office/libreoffice: Updated for version 5.4.1.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-31
* network/wireshark: Updated for version 2.4.1.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-31
* games/angband: Updated for version 4.1.0.David Melik2017-08-27
* misc/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw: Switch to https.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-26
* academic/sigrok-cli: Switch to https.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-26
* games/quake_shareware_data: Switch to https.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-26
* academic/pulseview: Switch to https.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-26
* network/mrtg: Switch to https.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-26
* libraries/libsigrokdecode: Switch to https.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-26
* libraries/libsigrok: Switch to https.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-26
* libraries/libserialport: Switch to https.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-26
* Public www update: Sat Aug 26 00:21:16 UTC 2017.14.2-20170826.1Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-08-26
* system/t1utils: Updated for version 1.41.Kyle Guinn2017-08-26
* development/sdcc: Fix packaging conflict with binutilsKyle Guinn2017-08-26
* python/python3: Updated for version 3.6.2.Audrius Kažukauskas2017-08-26
* perl/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases: Updated for version 3.32.Andreas Guldstrand2017-08-26
* development/cgit: Include some upstream git patchesRobby Workman2017-08-26
* system/virt-manager: Updated for version 1.4.2.Robby Workman2017-08-26
* system/the_silver_searcher: Updated for version 2.1.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* gis/pyshp: Updated for version 1.2.12.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* gis/Shapely: Updated for version 1.6.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* development/jupyter-nbformat: Updated for version 4.4.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* development/jupyter-ipywidgets: Updated for version 7.0.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* development/jupyter-widgetsnbextension: Upgraded for version 3.0.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* gis/geojson: Updated for version 2.0.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* python/scikit-learn: Updated for version 0.19.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* gis/qgis: Updated for version 2.18.12.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* libraries/libuv: Updated for version 1.14.0.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* network/newsbeuter: Apply security fix and support current.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* gis/pgrouting: Updated for version 2.4.2.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26
* gis/Fiona: Updated for version 1.7.9.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2017-08-26