Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* desktop/obkey: Update SOURCE url.Edinaldo P. Silva2015-10-29
* development/nuget: Added (Package manager).Andre Barboza2015-10-29
* development/jsmin: Added (The JavaScript Minifier).Ryan P.C. McQuen2015-10-29
* development/php-apcu: Added (userland caching).Eugene Wissner2015-10-29
* network/owncloud-client: Updated for version 2.0.2.Christopher Walker2015-10-29
* system/glances: Updated for version 2.5.1.Philip Lacroix2015-10-29
* development/visual-studio-code: Added (Development IDE).Andre Barboza2015-10-29
* academic/fet: Updated for version 5.28.2.R.S.Ananda Murthy2015-10-28
* academic/gretl: Updated for version 2015d.R. S. Ananda Murthy2015-10-28
* perl/perl-text-unaccent: Added (perl module).B. Watson2015-10-28
* system/unac: Added (remove accents from text).B. Watson2015-10-28
* misc/moreutils: Added (unix tools).Arkadiusz Drabczyk2015-10-28
* multimedia/cinelerra: Updated to use internal ffmpeg by default.Danny Schmarsel2015-10-28
* system/nix: Added (package manager).Pragmatic Cypher2015-10-28
* multimedia/lwks: Updated for version 12.5.0.klaatu2015-10-28
* academic/wxmacmolplt: Updated for version 7.6.1.Daniil Bratashov2015-10-28
* network/prosody: Updated for version 0.9.8.Gerardo Zamudio2015-10-28
* network/hostapd: Updated for version 2.5.LukenShiro2015-10-28
* perl/perl-WWW-Curl: Added (RDBMS perl module).Pragmatic Cypher2015-10-28
* network/bozohttpd: Added (simple and lightweight HTTP server).Leonard Schmidt2015-10-28
* development/bmake: Updated for version 20151020.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2015-10-28
* development/ninja: Added (small build system with a focus on speed).Markus Rinne2015-10-28
* libraries/mujs: Added (javascript interpreter).Navigare2015-10-28
* development/kconfig-frontends: Added (kconfig language frontends).Andrzej Telszewski2015-10-28
* system/monit: Updated for version 5.15.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2015-10-28
* network/megasync: Revert back to Debian 7 packages.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2015-10-25
* development/zed: Added (text and code editor).Ryan P.C. McQuen2015-10-25
* office/kate-latex-plugin: Added (LaTeX plugin for Kate).Guilherme Calandrini2015-10-25
* desktop/gmusicbrowser-art: Update SOURCE.Edinaldo P. Silva2015-10-25
* multimedia/vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg-extra: Added (ffmpeg codec).Edinaldo P. Silva2015-10-25
* network/vivaldi: Updated for version 1.0.303.27_1.Edinaldo P. Silva2015-10-25
* python/ps_mem: Added (list processes by memory usage).Edinaldo P. Silva2015-10-25
* games/adom: Updated for version r60.pyllyukko2015-10-25
* network/malheur: Added (automatic analysis of malware behaviour).Arief JR2015-10-25
* Public www update: Sat Oct 24 00:57:52 UTC 201514.1-20151024.1Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2015-10-24
* gis/postgis: Fix possible parallel build failure and update README.Benjamin Trigona-Harany2015-10-24
* network/owncloud-server: Updated for version 8.2.0.David Spencer2015-10-24
* graphics/darktable: Updated for version 1.6.9.David Spencer2015-10-24
* system/tmuxp: Updated for version 0.9.2.Dimitris Zlatanidis2015-10-24
* graphics/CairoSVG: Updated for version 1.0.18.Dimitris Zlatanidis2015-10-24
* network/youtube-dl: Updated for version 2015.10.18.Dimitris Zlatanidis2015-10-24
* libraries/cffi: Updated for version 1.3.0.Dimitris Zlatanidis2015-10-24
* development/SQLAlchemy: Updated for version 1.0.9.Dimitris Zlatanidis2015-10-24
* network/python-onedrive: Updated for version 15.10.5.Dimitris Zlatanidis2015-10-24
* development/cgit: Fixed download url.Matteo Bernardini2015-10-24
* development/ign-math2: Added (math library).Jean-Yves Didier2015-10-24
* development/ignition-math: Added (math library).Jean-Yves Didier2015-10-24
* system/unhide: Update EMAIL.Black Rider2015-10-24
* games/KoboDeluxe: Update EMAIL.Black Rider2015-10-24
* games/hedgewars: Update EMAIL.Black Rider2015-10-24