Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* audio/llcon: Updated for version 3.1.2 and moved from multimedia.otzy_0072011-07-14
* python/lxml: Updated for version 2.3 and moved from libraries.Larry Hajali2011-07-14
* system/opensc: Updated for version 0.12.1.LukenShiro2011-07-14
* system/backintime: Updated for version 1.0.8.Pierre Cazenave2011-07-14
* network/mrtg: Updated for version 2.17.2.Ulrich Schaefer2011-07-14
* misc/ascii: Updated for version 3.11.cteg2011-07-14
* audio/vamp-plugin-sdk: Updated to fix plugin path on x86_64.Luis Henrique2011-07-14
* games/fceux: Updated for version 2.1.5.M.Dinslage2011-07-14
* network/tor: Updated rc.tor to remove hardcoded values, other fixes.Marco Bonetti2011-07-14
* perl/perl-Net-Daemon: Updated for version 0.48.crocket2011-07-14
* network/pidgin-nateon: Updated maintainer email.crocket2011-07-14
* system/grub2: Updated for version 1.99.crocket2011-07-14
* desktop/scrotwm: Updated for version 0.9.32.Daniel LEVAI2011-07-14
* system/ksh: Updated for new patches.Daniel LEVAI2011-07-14
* desktop/dmenu: Updated for version 4.3.1.Phillip Warner2011-07-14
* multimedia/gnome-mplayer: Updated for version 1.0.4.Phillip Warner2011-07-14
* desktop/parcellite: Updated for version 1.0.2rc2.Phillip Warner2011-07-14
* desktop/obmenu: Included *-help files.Binh Nguyen2011-07-14
* python/gst-python: Updated for version 0.10.21.Binh Nguyen2011-07-14
* perl/perl-http-server-simple: Updated for version 0.44.Binh Nguyen2011-07-14
* graphics/mirage: Updated for version Nguyen2011-07-14
* desktop/ Updated website info.Cezary M. Kruk2011-07-14
* desktop/wmmixer: Updated website info and fixed manpages.Cezary M. Kruk2011-07-14
* desktop/wmmixer: Updated website info and fixed manpages.Cezary M. Kruk2011-07-14
* desktop/wminfo: Updated website info.Cezary M. Kruk2011-07-14
* desktop/pclock: Updated website info.Cezary M. Kruk2011-07-14
* network/transmission: Updated for version 2.31.Niels Horn2011-07-14
* graphics/leocad_pieces: Updated for version 4351.Niels Horn2011-07-14
* graphics/leocad: Updated for version 0.75.2.Niels Horn2011-07-14
* development/kdevelop-php-docs: Added (kdevelop docs)Heinz Wiesinger2011-07-14
* development/kdevelop-php: Added (kdevelop php plugin)Heinz Wiesinger2011-07-14
* development/kdevelop-pg-qt: Added (KDevelop Parser Generator)Heinz Wiesinger2011-07-14
* audio/jack_delay: Added (measure the latency of your sound card)B. Watson2011-07-14
* audio/jack-keyboard: Added (virtual MIDI keyboard)B. Watson2011-07-14
* audio/stops: Added (Sound definitions for aeolus)Michales Michaloudes2011-07-14
* audio/clxclient: Added (X library for aeolus)Michales Michaloudes2011-07-14
* audio/aeolus: Added (pipe organ emulator)Michales Michaloudes2011-07-14
* misc/wkhtmltopdf: Added (convert html to pdf using QtWebkit)Vincent Batts2011-07-14
* libraries/pylibpcap: Added (python libcap library)Vincent Batts2011-07-14
* desktop/subtle: Added (ruby based tiling WM)Vincent Batts2011-07-14
* system/incron: Added (inotify cron system)Asaf Ohaion2011-07-14
* python/hg-git: Added (Mercurial to Git extension)Audrius Kažukauskas2011-07-14
* python/dulwich: Added (implementation of Git formats and protocols)Audrius Kažukauskas2011-07-14
* python/dpkt: Added (python TCP/IP packet library)Vincent Batts2011-07-14
* network/torsocks: Added (socks friendly usage with tor)Vincent Batts2011-07-14
* network/ipv6calc: Added (utility to convert IPv6 addresses)Chris Abela2011-07-14
* network/C-IP2Location: Added (Geo IP library)Chris Abela2011-07-14
* network/bip: Added (irc proxy server with SSL support)Erik Hanson2011-07-14
* network/ApacheDirectoryStudio: Added (eclipse based LDAP browser)Vincent Batts2011-07-14
* libraries/clalsadrv: Added (Alsa library for Aeolus)Michales Michaloudes2011-07-14