Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* development/SQLAlchemy: Add python3 support.Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* python/monty: Updated for version 0.9.0.Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* libraries/platform: Updated for version 2.0.1.Larry Hajali2016-08-13
* libraries/cdk: Updated for version 5.0_20160131.Larry Hajali2016-08-13
* libraries/libdc1394: Updated for version 2.2.4.Larry Hajali2016-08-13
* libraries/tinyxml2: Updated for version 4.0.1.Larry Hajali2016-08-13
* games/pasang-emas: Updated for version 5.0.0.Larry Hajali2016-08-13
* games/trigger-rally: Updated for version 0.6.4.Larry Hajali2016-08-13
* libraries/netcdf: Fixed build with HDF4.David Spencer2016-08-13
* academic/reduce-algebra: Added (portable computer algebra system).Alexander Verbovetsky2016-08-13
* development/fossil: Updated for version 1.35.Andy Goth2016-08-13
* multimedia/aces-dev: Fixed tarball handling.David Spencer2016-08-13
* multimedia/aces_container: Fixed tarball handling.David Spencer2016-08-13
* libraries/compiz-plugins-experimental: Fixed REQUIRES.David Spencer2016-08-13
* network/corebird: Fixed REQUIRES.David Spencer2016-08-13
* network/smcroute: Fixed DOWNLOAD.David Spencer2016-08-13
* libraries/libfaketime: Fixed MD5SUM.David Spencer2016-08-13
* python/funcsigs: Added (Backport of the PEP 362).Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* games/pangzero: Added (clone of arcade game "Super Pang").B. Watson2016-08-13
* python/typing: Added (Type Hints for Python).Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* gis/navit: Added (gps navigation system with routing engine)Sebastian Arcus2016-08-13
* network/syncthing: Updated for version 0.14.4.Sebastian Arcus2016-08-13
* python/PythonQt: Added (Python binding for Qt).Christoph Willing2016-08-13
* python/pathlib: Added (Object-oriented filesystem paths).Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* development/openjdk8: Added (Open Implementation of JDK).Strahil Yordanov2016-08-13
* development/openjdk6: Added (Open Implementation of JDK).Strahil Yordanov2016-08-13
* system/rover: Updated for version 0.4.2.Hunter Sezen2016-08-13
* development/conan: Added (distributed package manager).Andre Barboza2016-08-13
* development/openjdk: Updated for version 7u111b01.Strahil Yordanov2016-08-13
* games/doomretro: Added (The classic, refined DOOM source port).Dugan Chen2016-08-13
* games/ostrichriders: Added (clone of the arcade game "Joust").B. Watson2016-08-13
* games/bloodcm: Added (first-person shooter game).B. Watson2016-08-13
* python/python-Safe: Added (Check the password strength).Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* python/Flask-Login: Added (User session management for Flask).Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* python/Flask-Cors: Added (Flask extension for handling CORS).Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* development/uz80as: Added (Micro Z80 assembler).Jorge Giner2016-08-13
* games/fbalpha: Added (libretro port of Final Burn Alpha).Hunter Sezen2016-08-13
* games/libretro-fba: Removed (replaced by fbalpha).Hunter Sezen2016-08-13
* python/flask-restplus: Added (Flask extn for building REST APIs).Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* python/Flask-RESTful: Added (framework for creating REST APIs).Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* python/Flask-Compress: Added (compress responses in your Flask app).Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* python/aniso8601: Added (library for parsing ISO 8601 strings).Dimitris Zlatanidis2016-08-13
* python/cfgparse: Added (Python Configuration Parser Module).Andre Barboza2016-08-13
* system/localepurge: Added (remove superfluous locale data).Edinaldo P. Silva2016-08-13
* desktop/gxkb: Updated for version 0.7.7.NK2016-08-13
* python/pyjwt: Added (JSON Web Token implementation in Python).Andre Barboza2016-08-13
* python/python-patch: Added (library to parse+apply unified diffs).Andre Barboza2016-08-13
* python/monotonic: Added (implementation of time.monotonic()).Andre Barboza2016-08-13
* python/fasteners: Added (useful locks for Python).Andre Barboza2016-08-13
* network/icecat: Build with -Os to prevent crashes.melikamp2016-08-13