Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* system/apache-activemq: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* python/python-magick: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* office/homebank: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* office/hevea: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* office/epdfview: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* network/vacuum-im: Update DOWNLOAD url and MD5SUM.David Spencer2014-09-20
* network/siege: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* network/postgrey: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* network/plowshare: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* misc/biosdisk: Update DOWNLOAD and HOMEPAGE urls.David Spencer2014-09-20
* libraries/php-pgsql: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* libraries/php-pdo_dblib: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* libraries/php-mssql: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* libraries/libspatialite: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* libraries/libqsqlpsql: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* libraries/libaosd: Update DOWNLOAD and HOMEPAGE urls.David Spencer2014-09-20
* graphics/jpeg2ps: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* academic/t_coffee: Update DOWNLOAD url.David Spencer2014-09-20
* games/openmw: Updated for version 0.32.0.Talos Thoren2014-09-19
* perl/perl-Template-Toolkit: Updated for version 2.26.Thomas Morper2014-09-19
* libraries/MyGUI: Updated for version 3.2.1.Talos Thoren2014-09-19
* development/autogen: Updated for version 5.18.4.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2014-09-19
* games/steam: Updated for version Thoren2014-09-18
* system/paxctl: Updated for version 0.9.pyllyukko2014-09-18
* graphics/digikam: Updated for version 4.3.0.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2014-09-18
* network/nginx: Updated for version 1.6.2.Larry Hajali2014-09-18
* network/megatools: Added (Access Mega Service).Benjamin Trigona-Harany2014-09-18
* libraries/libmediainfo: Updated for version 0.7.70 + new maintainer.Ryan P.C. McQuen2014-09-18
* libraries/libzen: New maintainer.Ryan P.C. McQuen2014-09-18
* development/hexedit: New maintainer.Ryan P.C. McQuen2014-09-18
* development/jeex: Updated for version 12.6.1 + new maintainer.Ryan P.C. McQuen2014-09-18
* multimedia/aegisub: Updated for version 3.2.1.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2014-09-18
* games/dustrac: Updated for version 1.7.3.Larry Hajali2014-09-18
* python/pyfiglet: Added (Python port of figlet).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-09-18
* network/dnscrypt-wrapper: Updated for version 0.1.12.T3slider2014-09-18
* misc/yubikey-personalization-gui: Updated for version 3.1.15.T3slider2014-09-18
* network/dropbox: Updated for version 2.10.30.Amit Ugol2014-09-18
* desktop/alarm: Added (CLI Alarm Clock).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-09-18
* system/rhash: Added (verify hash).Симон Болоканов2014-09-16
* libraries/liboauth: Added (OAuth Core in C).Симон Болоканов2014-09-16
* desktop/kde-gtk-config: Updated for version 2.2.1 + new maintainer.Ryan P.C. McQuen2014-09-16
* system/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr: Updated for version 1.4.2.Ruben Schuller2014-09-16
* games/stella: Updated for version 4.1.1 + new maintainer.B. Watson2014-09-16
* libraries/configobj: New maintainer.B. Watson2014-09-16
* audio/rubberband: New maintainer.B. Watson2014-09-16
* graphics/fbida: New maintainer.B. Watson2014-09-16
* audio/sonic-visualiser: Updated for version 2.3.B. Watson2014-09-15
* audio/vamp-plugin-sdk: Updated for version 2.5 + new maintainer.B. Watson2014-09-15
* office/TaskCoach: Added (Task Manager).Dimitris Zlatanidis2014-09-15
* desktop/catfish: Updated for version 1.2.1.David Woodfall2014-09-15