Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* network/dovecot-pigeonhole: Updated for version 0.2.2.Nishant Limbachia2010-12-24
* graphics/gimp-wideangle-plugin: Added (distortion filter for gimp)Michales Michaloudes2010-12-24
* network/ike: Added (Internet Key exchange daemon / IPsec VPN client)Ferenc Deak2010-12-22
* audio/kid3: Updated for version 1.5.Michales Michaloudes2010-12-22
* academic/qgis: Updated for version 1.6.0.David Spencer2010-12-22
* libraries/irrlicht: Added (realtime 3D engine)Larry Halali2010-12-22
* libraries/perl-Text-Iconv: Added (Perl interface to the iconv())Binh Nguyen2010-12-21
* network/imageshack-uploader: Added (upload images to Nguyen2010-12-21
* development/monodevelop: Updated for version 2.4.1.Andre Barboza2010-12-21
* Public www update: Tue Dec 21 04:45:32 UTC 201013.1-20101221.1Robby Workman2010-12-20
* libraries/webkitgtk: Updated for version 1.3.4.Erik Hanson2010-12-20
* network/arora: Added (web browser)Grigorios Bouzakis2010-12-20
* desktop/menumaker: Added (menu generator for several wm's)Robby Workman2010-12-20
* development/magit: Added (Edit Git repositories with Emacs)Asaf Ohaion2010-12-20
* network/perl-Danga-Socket: Added (epoll() interface for perl)Adrian Ulrich2010-12-20
* network/perl-Sys-Syscall: Added (perl System Call access)Adrian Ulrich2010-12-20
* libraries/dnspython: Updated for version 1.9.2.Larry Hajali2010-12-20
* network/perl-NetAddr-IP: Updated for version 4.037.Nishant Limbachia2010-12-20
* development/bacon: Added (basic converter)Steve Pledger2010-12-20
* network/flexget: Added (multipurpose content downloader)Lionel Young2010-12-20
* network/PyRSS2Gen: Added (python RSS feed generator)Lionel Young2010-12-20
* libraries/pynzb: Added (NZB file format parser)Lionel Young2010-12-20
* libraries/progressbar: Added (Text progressbar library for python)Lionel Young2010-12-20
* development/gaphor: Updated for version 0.16.0.Mikko Värri2010-12-20
* libraries/gaphas: Updated for version 0.7.0.Mikko Värri2010-12-20
* libraries/subvertpy: Updated for version 0.7.5.Mikko Värri2010-12-20
* development/noweb: Added (literate programming tool)Kyle Guinn2010-12-20
* libraries/zope.schema: Updated for version 3.7.0.Mikko Värri2010-12-20
* libraries/ Updated for version 3.7.4.Mikko Värri2010-12-20
* libraries/zope.component: Updated for version 3.10.0Mikko Värri2010-12-20
* libraries/ZODB3: Updated for version 3.10.1.Mikko Värri2010-12-20
* libraries/libxml++: Updated for version 2.33.1.Diogo Leal2010-12-20
* graphics/mlbrot: Added (Mandelbrot plotter and exploration tool)adaptr2010-12-20
* development/camlp5: Added (ocaml preprocessor and pretty-printer)adaptr2010-12-20
* misc/conkyforecast: Updated for version 2.15.M.Dinslage2010-12-20
* graphics/fritzing: Updated for version 0.4.3b.Niels Horn2010-12-20
* network/dropbox: Updated for version 1.0.10.Murat D. Kadirov2010-12-20
* audio/mpd: Updated for version 0.16.Andrew Brouwers2010-12-20
* audio/ladspa_sdk: BUILD bump, small fixes.ppr:kut2010-12-20
* audio/Pd-extended: Fix typo in README.Felix Pfeifer2010-12-20
* libraries/Botan: Fix MD5SUM.markus reichelt2010-12-20
* academic/mathomatic: Fix approval information.Dylan Armitage2010-12-20
* desktop/musca: Poke consolekit in xinitrcRobby Workman2010-12-20
* desktop/afterstep: Poke consolekit in xinitrcRobby Workman2010-12-20
* desktop/i3: Tweaks to xinitrc re consolekit pokeringRobby Workman2010-12-20
* desktop/openbox: Poke consolekit in xinitrcRobby Workman2010-12-20
* desktop/icewm: Tweak to xinitrc rc consolekit pokingRobby Workman2010-12-20
* desktop/lxde-common: Tweaks to xinitrc re consolekit pokeageRobby Workman2010-12-20
* desktop/xmonad: Poke consolekit in xinitrcRobby Workman2010-12-20
* desktop/ion: Tweaks to xinitrc re consolekit usageRobby Workman2010-12-20