path: root/misc/par2cmdline/patches
diff options
authorThomas Morper <>2010-05-13 00:59:29 +0200
committerErik Hanson <>2010-05-13 00:59:29 +0200
commite86b7fd9c4586b3a5bede62545dfe3492225d231 (patch)
treef59479a0c02f31f3a5a5afbe3624098fce08a0ee /misc/par2cmdline/patches
parent2f5dc57999e3794f9b4d41a27e5673d287e0c45d (diff)
misc/par2cmdline: Added to 13.0 repository
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/par2cmdline/patches')
4 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/par2cmdline/patches/gcc4.patch b/misc/par2cmdline/patches/gcc4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6da26789e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/par2cmdline/patches/gcc4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+Fix compilation with gcc-4.
+Patch by Dirk-Jan Heijs.
+--- par2cmdline-0.4/reedsolomon.cpp
++++ par2cmdline-0.4/reedsolomon.cpp
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+-bool ReedSolomon<Galois8>::SetInput(const vector<bool> &present)
++template <> bool ReedSolomon<Galois8>::SetInput(const vector<bool> &present)
+ {
+ inputcount = (u32)present.size();
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
+ return true;
+ }
+-bool ReedSolomon<Galois8>::SetInput(u32 count)
++template <> bool ReedSolomon<Galois8>::SetInput(u32 count)
+ {
+ inputcount = count;
+@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
+ return true;
+ }
+-bool ReedSolomon<Galois8>::Process(size_t size, u32 inputindex, const void *inputbuffer, u32 outputindex, void *outputbuffer)
++template <> bool ReedSolomon<Galois8>::Process(size_t size, u32 inputindex, const void *inputbuffer, u32 outputindex, void *outputbuffer)
+ {
+ // Look up the appropriate element in the RS matrix
+ Galois8 factor = leftmatrix[outputindex * (datapresent + datamissing) + inputindex];
+@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
+ // Set which of the source files are present and which are missing
+ // and compute the base values to use for the vandermonde matrix.
+-bool ReedSolomon<Galois16>::SetInput(const vector<bool> &present)
++template <> bool ReedSolomon<Galois16>::SetInput(const vector<bool> &present)
+ {
+ inputcount = (u32)present.size();
+@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
+ // Record that the specified number of source files are all present
+ // and compute the base values to use for the vandermonde matrix.
+-bool ReedSolomon<Galois16>::SetInput(u32 count)
++template <> bool ReedSolomon<Galois16>::SetInput(u32 count)
+ {
+ inputcount = count;
+@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
+ return true;
+ }
+-bool ReedSolomon<Galois16>::Process(size_t size, u32 inputindex, const void *inputbuffer, u32 outputindex, void *outputbuffer)
++template <> bool ReedSolomon<Galois16>::Process(size_t size, u32 inputindex, const void *inputbuffer, u32 outputindex, void *outputbuffer)
+ {
+ // Look up the appropriate element in the RS matrix
diff --git a/misc/par2cmdline/patches/letype.patch b/misc/par2cmdline/patches/letype.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0c8d6c57b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/par2cmdline/patches/letype.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+diff -ur par2cmdline-0.4-orig/letype.h par2cmdline-0.4/letype.h
+--- par2cmdline-0.4-orig/letype.h 2003-05-26 20:01:17.000000000 +0200
++++ par2cmdline-0.4/letype.h 2006-05-09 10:47:29.000000000 +0200
+@@ -28,44 +28,15 @@
+ #else
+-class leu16
++struct leu16
+ {
+- leu16(void);
+- leu16(const leu16 &other);
+- leu16& operator=(const leu16 &other);
+- leu16(const u16 &other);
+ leu16& operator=(const u16 &other);
+ operator u16(void) const;
+ u16 value;
+ };
+-inline leu16::leu16(void)
+-inline leu16::leu16(const leu16 &other)
+-: value(other.value)
+-inline leu16& leu16::operator =(const leu16 &other)
+- value = other.value;
+- return *this;
+-inline leu16::leu16(const u16 &other)
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[0] = (unsigned char)((other >> 0) & 0xff);
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[1] = (unsigned char)((other >> 8) & 0xff);
+ inline leu16& leu16::operator=(const u16 &other)
+ {
+ ((unsigned char*)&value)[0] = (unsigned char)((other >> 0) & 0xff);
+@@ -81,46 +52,15 @@
+ }
+-class leu32
++struct leu32
+ {
+- leu32(void);
+- leu32(const leu32 &other);
+- leu32& operator=(const leu32 &other);
+- leu32(const u32 &other);
+ leu32& operator=(const u32 &other);
+ operator u32(void) const;
+ u32 value;
+ };
+-inline leu32::leu32(void)
+-inline leu32::leu32(const leu32 &other)
+-: value(other.value)
+-inline leu32& leu32::operator =(const leu32 &other)
+- value = other.value;
+- return *this;
+-inline leu32::leu32(const u32 &other)
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[0] = (unsigned char)((other >> 0) & 0xff);
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[1] = (unsigned char)((other >> 8) & 0xff);
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[2] = (unsigned char)((other >> 16) & 0xff);
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[3] = (unsigned char)((other >> 24) & 0xff);
+ inline leu32& leu32::operator=(const u32 &other)
+ {
+ ((unsigned char*)&value)[0] = (unsigned char)((other >> 0) & 0xff);
+@@ -140,50 +80,15 @@
+ }
+-class leu64
++struct leu64
+ {
+- leu64(void);
+- leu64(const leu64 &other);
+- leu64& operator=(const leu64 &other);
+- leu64(const u64 &other);
+ leu64& operator=(const u64 &other);
+ operator u64(void) const;
+ u64 value;
+ };
+-inline leu64::leu64(void)
+-inline leu64::leu64(const leu64 &other)
+-: value(other.value)
+-inline leu64& leu64::operator =(const leu64 &other)
+- value = other.value;
+- return *this;
+-inline leu64::leu64(const u64 &other)
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[0] = (unsigned char)((other >> 0) & 0xff);
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[1] = (unsigned char)((other >> 8) & 0xff);
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[2] = (unsigned char)((other >> 16) & 0xff);
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[3] = (unsigned char)((other >> 24) & 0xff);
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[4] = (unsigned char)((other >> 32) & 0xff);
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[5] = (unsigned char)((other >> 40) & 0xff);
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[6] = (unsigned char)((other >> 48) & 0xff);
+- ((unsigned char*)&value)[7] = (unsigned char)((other >> 56) & 0xff);
+ inline leu64& leu64::operator=(const u64 &other)
+ {
+ ((unsigned char*)&value)[0] = (unsigned char)((other >> 0) & 0xff);
+diff -ur par2cmdline-0.4-orig/md5.h par2cmdline-0.4/md5.h
+--- par2cmdline-0.4-orig/md5.h 2003-08-02 01:41:04.000000000 +0200
++++ par2cmdline-0.4/md5.h 2006-05-09 10:47:29.000000000 +0200
+@@ -20,6 +20,13 @@
+ #ifndef __MD5_H__
+ #define __MD5_H__
++#ifdef WIN32
++#pragma pack(push, 1)
++#define PACKED
++#define PACKED __attribute__ ((packed))
+ // This file defines the MD5Hash and MD5Context objects which are used
+ // to compute and manipulate the MD5 Hash values for a block of data.
+@@ -35,12 +42,11 @@
+ // MD5 Hash value
+-class MD5Hash
+- // Constructor does not initialise the value
+- MD5Hash(void) {};
++struct MD5Hash;
++ostream& operator<<(ostream &s, const MD5Hash &hash);
++struct MD5Hash
+ // Comparison operators
+ bool operator==(const MD5Hash &other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const MD5Hash &other) const;
+@@ -54,13 +60,8 @@
+ friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &s, const MD5Hash &hash);
+ string print(void) const;
+- // Copy and assignment
+- MD5Hash(const MD5Hash &other);
+- MD5Hash& operator=(const MD5Hash &other);
+ u8 hash[16]; // 16 byte MD5 Hash value
+ // Intermediate computation state
+@@ -144,16 +145,9 @@
+ return !other.operator<(*this);
+ }
+-inline MD5Hash::MD5Hash(const MD5Hash &other)
+- memcpy(&hash, &other.hash, sizeof(hash));
+-inline MD5Hash& MD5Hash::operator=(const MD5Hash &other)
+- memcpy(&hash, &other.hash, sizeof(hash));
+- return *this;
++#ifdef WIN32
++#pragma pack(pop)
++#undef PACKED
+ #endif // __MD5_H__
diff --git a/misc/par2cmdline/patches/offset.patch b/misc/par2cmdline/patches/offset.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6539280668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/par2cmdline/patches/offset.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+--- par2cmdline-0.4.orig/par2creatorsourcefile.cpp 2004-04-15 14:45:23.000000000 +0100
++++ par2cmdline-0.4/par2creatorsourcefile.cpp 2005-09-29 02:27:43.000000000 +0100
+@@ -213,11 +213,12 @@
+ }
+ }
++ offset += want;
+ if (noiselevel > CommandLine::nlQuiet)
+ {
+ // Display progress
+ u32 oldfraction = (u32)(1000 * offset / filesize);
+- offset += want;
+ u32 newfraction = (u32)(1000 * offset / filesize);
+ if (oldfraction != newfraction)
+ {
diff --git a/misc/par2cmdline/patches/precedence.patch b/misc/par2cmdline/patches/precedence.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..736e9f4a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/par2cmdline/patches/precedence.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+This patch just adds some extra parentheses to stop the compiler from
+warning about the possible mix-up of operator precedence.
+diff -u -r par2cmdline-0.4-orig/par1repairer.cpp par2cmdline-0.4/par1repairer.cpp
+--- par2cmdline-0.4-orig/par1repairer.cpp 2004-04-15 15:40:48.000000000 +0200
++++ par2cmdline-0.4/par1repairer.cpp 2009-09-08 18:38:15.375114246 +0200
+@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
+ ||
+ (fileheader.datasize && (fileheader.dataoffset < sizeof(fileheader) || fileheader.dataoffset + fileheader.datasize > filesize))
+ ||
+- (fileheader.datasize && (fileheader.filelistoffset <= fileheader.dataoffset && fileheader.dataoffset < fileheader.filelistoffset+fileheader.filelistsize || fileheader.dataoffset <= fileheader.filelistoffset && fileheader.filelistoffset < fileheader.dataoffset + fileheader.datasize)))
++ (fileheader.datasize && ((fileheader.filelistoffset <= fileheader.dataoffset && fileheader.dataoffset < fileheader.filelistoffset+fileheader.filelistsize) || (fileheader.dataoffset <= fileheader.filelistoffset && fileheader.filelistoffset < fileheader.dataoffset + fileheader.datasize))))
+ break;
+ // Check the size of the file list
+@@ -518,9 +518,9 @@
+ // Check the the file extension is the correct form
+ if ((tail[0] == 'P' || tail[0] == 'p') &&
+ (
+- (tail[1] == 'A' || tail[1] == 'a') && (tail[2] == 'R' || tail[2] == 'r')
++ ((tail[1] == 'A' || tail[1] == 'a') && (tail[2] == 'R' || tail[2] == 'r'))
+ ||
+- isdigit(tail[1]) && isdigit(tail[2])
++ (isdigit(tail[1]) && isdigit(tail[2]))
+ ))
+ {
+ LoadRecoveryFile(filename);
+@@ -549,9 +549,9 @@
+ // Check the the file extension is the correct form
+ if ((tail[0] == 'P' || tail[0] == 'p') &&
+ (
+- (tail[1] == 'A' || tail[1] == 'a') && (tail[2] == 'R' || tail[2] == 'r')
++ ((tail[1] == 'A' || tail[1] == 'a') && (tail[2] == 'R' || tail[2] == 'r'))
+ ||
+- isdigit(tail[1]) && isdigit(tail[2])
++ (isdigit(tail[1]) && isdigit(tail[2]))
+ ))
+ {
+ LoadRecoveryFile(filename);
+@@ -652,9 +652,9 @@
+ // Check the the file extension is the correct form
+ if ((tail[0] == 'P' || tail[0] == 'p') &&
+ (
+- (tail[1] == 'A' || tail[1] == 'a') && (tail[2] == 'R' || tail[2] == 'r')
++ ((tail[1] == 'A' || tail[1] == 'a') && (tail[2] == 'R' || tail[2] == 'r'))
+ ||
+- isdigit(tail[1]) && isdigit(tail[2])
++ (isdigit(tail[1]) && isdigit(tail[2]))
+ ))
+ {
+ skip = true;
+diff -u -r par2cmdline-0.4-orig/verificationhashtable.h par2cmdline-0.4/verificationhashtable.h
+--- par2cmdline-0.4-orig/verificationhashtable.h 2003-06-03 13:48:52.000000000 +0200
++++ par2cmdline-0.4/verificationhashtable.h 2009-09-08 18:37:51.945290947 +0200
+@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@
+ // Comparison operators for searching
+ bool operator <(const VerificationHashEntry &r) const
+ {
+- return crc < r.crc || crc == r.crc && hash < r.hash;
++ return crc < r.crc || (crc == r.crc && hash < r.hash);
+ }
+ bool operator >(const VerificationHashEntry &r) const
+ {
+- return crc > r.crc || crc == r.crc && hash > r.hash;
++ return crc > r.crc || (crc == r.crc && hash > r.hash);
+ }
+ bool operator ==(const VerificationHashEntry &r) const
+ {
+@@ -183,11 +183,11 @@
+ while (entry)
+ {
+- if (entry->crc < crc || entry->crc == crc && entry->hash < hash)
++ if (entry->crc < crc || (entry->crc == crc && entry->hash < hash))
+ {
+ entry = entry->right;
+ }
+- else if (entry->crc > crc || entry->crc == crc && entry->hash > hash)
++ else if (entry->crc > crc || (entry->crc == crc && entry->hash > hash))
+ {
+ entry = entry->left;
+ }
+@@ -402,14 +402,14 @@
+ // have already been matched, or ones that are the wrong length
+ while (currententry && (currententry->SourceFile() != sourcefile ||
+ currententry->IsSet() ||
+- checksummer.ShortBlock() && checksummer.BlockLength() != currententry->GetDataBlock()->GetLength()
++ (checksummer.ShortBlock() && checksummer.BlockLength() != currententry->GetDataBlock()->GetLength())
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ // If we found an unused entry (which was presumably for the wrong
+ // source file) remember it (providing it is the correct length).
+ if (0 == nextentry && !(currententry->IsSet() ||
+- checksummer.ShortBlock() && checksummer.BlockLength() != currententry->GetDataBlock()->GetLength()
++ (checksummer.ShortBlock() && checksummer.BlockLength() != currententry->GetDataBlock()->GetLength())
+ )
+ )
+ {
+@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
+ // Check for an unused entry which is the correct length
+ while (nextentry && (nextentry->IsSet() ||
+- checksummer.ShortBlock() && checksummer.BlockLength() != nextentry->GetDataBlock()->GetLength()
++ (checksummer.ShortBlock() && checksummer.BlockLength() != nextentry->GetDataBlock()->GetLength())
+ )
+ )
+ {